Easy learning activities

   Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Easy learning activities”, the reason why I choose that topic because there’s simple strategy how to get easy learning activities, we all know every human is unique, but if we don't know how to create easy learning activities, we will learn as much as subjects where they don't refer with our enthusiasm, remember; enthusiasm can't be created by human being, it is not human's authority, as human being, we are entrusted by Almighty God to own enthusiasm, but before we get sense of enthusiasm, we are being asked by Almighty God to study something in order to detect problem, basically we are demanded by Almighty God to study because He wants us to detect problem, we all know that problem is invisible, even though problem can't be seen obviously, it can be detected by our eyes when we study about the subject where it is concerned with problem, at this point, we aren't being pushed by Almighty God to be clever person, we are being demanded to be man of value and bring peace to all mankind, now imagine if we can't bring a good value to other people, we were born on earth for nothing, as we know that all human being were born for fulfilling Almighty God's prophecy, what we can do is merely being a channel for God's behalf, if we can't fulfill it, what will happen to our future? I am sure we will not get anything valuable because we don't invest something good in our capacity for fulfilling Almighty God's prophecy.

   At this point, I try to give you strategy how to apply easy learning activities, here is the first step how to apply easy learning activity; we must empty our ego, the reason why we must do that because it can help us to listen Almighty God's command through our reflection and our intuition, if we don't empty our ego, we don't get something new from reality because everything we need has been provided by Almighty God through reality, maybe you will ask me, how can I empty my ego? Don't complain when you get problem, don't judge easily about something you don't know and don't curse Almighty God's plan, here is the second step how to apply easy learning activity; we must listen more than speak, meaning, we must stop behaving like a talkative, if we talk only, we repeat what we want to say, but if we listen a new thing, we receive the insight from other people's experience, the reason why not many people get insight easily because they talk more than what they listen, here is the third step how to apply easy learning activity; Be your own self competitor, meaning, we don't try so hard to compete with other people's skill, there is good news : if we challenge our limit, we will get a new insight every time we succeed to break our limit, when we get this occasion more often, as impact, we will never be the same person like we were yesterday because we break our comfort zone, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.