Disordered eating

Disordered eating is induced by stress

  Hi, good  reader, howdy? welcome back with me Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "disordered eating", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people's lives are trapped in disordered eating lifestyle, some people say disordered eating lifestyle is motivated by busywork, it is not true, do you know why I say such thing because busywork is not related with disordered eating lifestyle, instead, busywork is related by small-mindedness, whereas, disordered eating is related with lack of priority management, remember; life is too much precious to be left when we only focus on small and unimportant thing, such as, doing something pleasurable or we do something for pleasing our pride, if we use different perception related to this topic, disordered eating is influenced by insecure feeling towards something scary, now I would like to let you know about my principle; 1 minute for complaining will give 1 minute's opportunity for suffering, the more we wide our insecure feeling, the more we are pushed to receive a sense of suffering, if we see in reality, some people want to prove their working performance to the company by doing something hard until they have no problem to have disordered eating habit, in my opinion; we don't need to taste unnecessary suffering if we still have another chance to enjoy something healthy, please don't sacrifice for something which can ruin your mental health or physical health, working hard doesn't mean to ruin everything valuable from your life, so you must protect something can impact to your life, such as mental acumen, physical health, sleeping time and ordered eating time, working hard is not about leaving your healthy life, but working hard is totally talking about commitment to something you stand for, your success doesn't have meaningful story if your health is ruined.

lack of nutrition is induced by wrong lifestyle

  Please don't feel bragged when you have disordered eating habit because it will not good for your long term journey, remember; disease doesn't come into reality unless you make it come by doing something harmful, although you have strict target, you must not compromise with your eating schedule and sleeping time because both are ultimate human's basic need, it would better to sleep enough rather than to sleep less, if you lack sleeping, you can be grumpy and your concentration will lack its power, if you lack of ordered eating schedule, you will lack of strength to work, at this moment I would like to share about strategy how to stop disordered eating habit, hopefully it can help you to maintain either your physical health or mental health, here is the first strategy you must do how to stop disordered eating habit; you must prepare enough provision at least 30 minutes before you go to work, the reason why you must prepare your provision because you need high energy to perform well at your work, if you have low energy, how can you do something better?, don't ruin your physical health because it is the second biggest asset in this life, if you lost your money, you can return to work again to afford some money, but if you lost your physical health, you will spend your time being hospitalized which may need a huge recovery feehere is the second strategy you must do how to stop disordered eating habit; you start to imagine about the worse condition which enables you to get sick, if you realize your health is your big asset, I am sure you will not sell your big asset to the daily goal which may not guarantee what you want, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.