Curb your enthusiasm

Leverage your enthusiasm to gain unexpected gift

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "curb your enthusiasm", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people lose their enthusiasm when the crisis comes to reality, many people think crisis is the only way how to change their lifestyle or behavior, it is not always true, in my opinion; every crisis in the world is the test how to know whether you are willing to curb your enthusiasm or not, in addition, the crisis is the channel which can help you to recognize your true power within yourself, if there is no crisis, how you can train yourself to endure and persevere something you hate, maybe you ever hear the wisdom "there is no pain, no gain", the reason why many people prefer to give up on new hope because their behavior can't see something valuable, besides that, many people train their satisfaction rather than how to train their survival skill, starting from now, please don't ever hate about the crisis you have, e.g. economy crisis, confidence crisis, food crisis, remember this advice; crisis is not the end of hope, crisis is the leverage to upgrade your enthusiasm, your creativity, and your endurance, for the most important part is having a strong willingness to act, if there is no act of moving on, we will get stuck by our old memory which can limit our progressive act, now your decision to choose is the most thrilling part, if you don't want your life will be limited by the circumstance, you must create your masterpiece and you have something that money can't buy it.

Strengthen your enthusiasm with self-actualization

  Remember; your enthusiasm can't be restricted by time and space if you always focus on what you aim and stay curious about what you develop, here is the good news; the crisis will move away and the kindness will come into your life if you always stay on the right path, meaning, you don't leave your enthusiasm and you don't leave your privilege, I just to remind you that failure is not the only thing can stop you, only your willingness can stop everything, if you don't want to get failure, you must consider your purpose as the most honest path than your desire to get the result, whether you like it or not, the result has the harm potential to deceive you if you only think about the result and ignore about the process, here is the first thing you must do if you want to curb your enthusiasm; prolong your happiness by helping others even though there is nobody can do something for you, the reason why helping others is powerful because you will receive a gift from God at the same time you draw your power to help others, here is the second thing you must do if you want to curb your enthusiasm; you must visualize about the big picture where it is connected with other people's problem, the reason why you must possess the big picture within your mind because it can help you to have reasonable choice how to act on it, here is the third thing you must do if you want to curb your enthusiasm; you must believe your future time is always more exciting even though you don't need it right nowI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.