Consumer shopping habits

Shopping habit is motivated by social circle's habit

 Hi, good readers, howdy? today I would like to share about the topic “consumer shopping habits”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are trapped in overspending habit until they don't really know how to control their sense of urge to shopping, the biggest factor why most people don’t want to improve their shopping lifestyle because they think a good life is started through shopping habit, that’s common mistake where it happens to general thinking people, there are two kind of shopping habits, the first shopping habit is buying the stuff for daily needs only, the second shopping habit is buying the stuff for self-satisfaction, if someone goes shopping without having a budget control, he will increase self-complacency to buy something he doesn't really need, here is my opinion how to make a life balance; before we want to buy something, we must learn how to sell something, if we don't know how to sell something at the right market, at least, we must have strict budget control in order to save our future from the economy crisis or the midlife crisis, creating good habit to control our urge of shopping is like craving something to the stone's surfaceit needs meticulous, conscientiousness and suffering, here is the philosophy you need to ponder how to control your shopping habit; "don't shop any stuff when you stress or sad", shopping while stress can make you lose self-control,

overspending habit is caused by stress

    If you want your life is making you peace, you must know difference between what you need and what you want, that's very important because it will affect to your shopping habit, if there is something you want to buy  but it will not affect dangerous if you don't buy, it indicates you don't really need the stuff, "if there is something looks charming, but you don't really need it by now, it indicates that stuff is having meaningless value for your life at present time", in my opinion; you must start to invest something valuable into your shopping habit, e.g. buying the book, buying the online course, etc. remember this advice; we can’t determine what’s future looks like, only our shopping habit can determine our future, at this moment I would share some strategies how to make effective shopping habit, hopefully these strategies can help you how to fix your daily shopping habit, here is the first strategy how to make effective shopping habit; you must bring a small note in your pocket to remind what you shop, the reason why you must try to apply this strategy because it can avoid wild desire which may influence your mind to buy something, here is the second strategy how to make effective shopping habit; you must bring a cash money which its amount is supposed to buy something you really need and leave your debit card / credit card at home, if you are making habit such thing, I am optimistic your focus will not get distracted easily when you want to buy something, here is the third strategy how to make effective shopping habit; don't bring extra money until 20% of your shopping expensedo you know why? bring extra money can guide your wild desire to buy something beyond your shopping plan, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to fix your life, good luck.