Connecting consciousness

Training can be a good mentor with your consciousness

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic " connecting consciousness", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can realize what they really think, most of them just follow the thinking pattern from the majority of people, let me clarify something to you that connecting consciousness is not the same with connecting with habit, if you connect with your consciousness, you directly find a way how to ensure your logical reason can prove something you want to know, basically your consciousness will work better when you stop following your daily habit pattern and you start to make a new decision, but if you just follow your habit which leads to feel complacency for longer periods of time, as impact, you will lose the momentum of your ultimate power, remember this note: hardship will develop your consciousness to work impressively and you will feel renewed from various to different experience, whereas, the comfort zone where you are standing with is going to delay your growth mindset.

The nature can be good connection for conscious mind

  The reason why many people reject hardship and uncertainty because they hate with process, not wanting to know how to enjoy the learning zone, if their habit does such thing, people will feel difficult to connect with their consciousness, basically self-awareness can be developed by injecting hardship, perseverance and uncertainty,  the main reason why we need to stay away from the comfort zone because it has potential to block human's potential, besides that, the comfort zone can't deal with uncertainty and hardship, life will find its power when we become the channel and we can connect between our super-conscious mind and our subconscious mind, here is my suggestion: you must develop your subconscious mind by applying what you know and practice what your intuition tells you until your consciousness is ready to adapt with the future's demand, if you want to unleash your unlimited potential is embrace hardship even though you don't need to know why you must do it, there's a lot of thing you don't need to know behind your destiny, if you work hard but you can feel happiness in the process, meaning, you can connect consciousness with your success, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.