Commitment issues

The commitment journey

    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Commitment issues”, the main reason why I choose that topic because most people give up when what they attempt is imminent to their goal, if you ask me why many people are giving up from what they commit because what they think is about profit only and not to try observing about the fear's reaction, in order to eliminate sense of fearfulness, you must appreciate about the fear's reaction and try to listen carefully about what your fear telling you, if you can listen what you fear, please don't try to break your limitation by doing what your fear forbids you, if your fear tells you about what you do, it indicates, your capacity is not ready to get huge risk, remember; not all fear can turn into negative impact, sometimes a sense of fearfulness can give you preview of anticipation to prevent something dangerous will happen, if you insist to conquer your fear, at least you must offer your strong reason to negotiate to your fear, then you wait whether your fear gives reaction to your body or not, if your fear doesn't react, it indicates you can proceed your commitment, here is the first good attitude you need to apply before you execute your commitment; listening your fear as the reminder to see something dangerous around you, at this section, you must listen your fear carefully like you listen your intuition, if you aren't ready to accept failure or big loss from your commitment, don't try to proceed your commitment because your fear has given you the dangerous signal through your body, so you need to calm your emotion and not to push yourself to execute your commitment when you aren't ready to accept consequence of your commitment, this articles that I wrote doesn't recommend you to fight your fear because fearfulness can become a great tool to anticipate something you don't want will happen, if you want to improve your commitment in your career; you must often communicate with your fear and intuition, do you know why? because both can help you to see what's valuable and what's not valuable within your commitment.  
The commitment journey

   Here is the second good attitude you need to apply before you execute your commitment; you can test what you commit by receiving the small loss, it means, you don't jump into big deal suddenly, instead, you test your mental acumen by receiving the small loss, if you are unhappy when you get the small loss, it indicates that you have faced huge risk and you aren't allowed to continue your commitment because it is very dangerous for you, remember this; don't believe with what other people say before you can measure your capacity by giving yourself with small loss, even though there are many people say the business you are running with is good and benefit, don't believe it easily, if the business keeps worrying you during running the business, it indicates that you are on the wrong business, here is the strategy I want to share with you, it is called :"TOTE" is an acronym for test output test emotion, it means, you need to test your capacity or limitation by receiving small loss at first, after that you can test your emotion whether your emotion is showing negative reaction or positive reaction, if your body reacts negative, it indicates your subconscious mind can't tolerate with risk and you will be reminded to leave your business soon, but if your body reacts positive, it indicates you can endure the risk and consequence because your capacity doesn't crack under pressure, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.