Basic knowledge

Basic knowledge can teach you to be wise

    Hi, good reader, howdy? today I would like to share about the topic "basic knowledge", the main reason why I choose that topic because every basic element in this life always needs knowledge, including business, relationship, politic career, if you ask me why knowledge matters in every aspect in life because knowledge can help us to detect the unknown problem and also help us to optimize the opportunity which may come to our timeif we see reality, many people aren't interested to get knowledge because their egoism is bigger than their willingness to study, the reason why people aren't interested to study more because they can't bear with the pain of learning, that's basic reason which can prevent people to change their identity of life, in my opinion; people who can't bear to adapt with the pain of learning, they will be forced to accept the pain of stupidity, that's causal law, there are two kind of basic knowledge you must have if you want to know more about your life; the first basic knowledge is deep belief to know more about your potential, the second basic knowledge is willingness to survive from life's uncertainty, as long as we don't invest our major time to possess two basic knowledge as I mentioned above, we will be forced to live into other people's willingness, that's dangerous thing you must realize, the most dangerous thing in life is not lies into external circumstance, but the most dangerous thing in life is having a little knowledge, starting from now, you must ask a question to yourself "what makes me paralysis every day?" here is what makes you paralyze; you don't have ability to comprehend about the power within you, in order to attain high level of knowledge, you must find other people's problem to be used as accelerator for increasing your troubleshooting skill.

Lack of basic knowledge is very dangerous

 If you realize having a little knowledge is very dangerous, so you must build self-awareness to seek the problem you love it, don't let your inability will interfere what you can add something positively into your habit, I think it is not easy to deal with life pressure because life will work based on what we don't plan, whether we like it or not, we must adapt with life pressure until we get the lesson from it, remember; only pain of uncertainty and adversity will expand your capacity to receive knowledge, you can't get great knowledge if you surround yourself with mistake or failure, knowledge always needs a large space of mental to accommodate, if you want knowledge will give you a power, you must be willing to put yourself in a long haul where it offers something scarier, if life gives you something scarier, means, you are ready to get hard training, the reason why not everyone gets knowledge because people are not willing to welcome uncertain issue, here is the special note; problem is not resistance, but your mindset can create resistance for your character, the more you reject something you dislike, the more you develop your inability to survive, the more you welcome something you dislike, the more you develop your resilience, if you build resilience to your character, then life will give you knowledge for free, you can't develop your potential if you don't possess knowledge which it is used to unlock your mind paradigmthe purpose of basic knowledge is letting you free from your mind paradigm which locks your unlimited wealthif you have found your unlimited wealth, meaning, you can develop your self-actualization uninterruptible and you have the power to create your masterpieceI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to fix your life, good luck.