Abundance mindset

Abundance mindset is about nurturing other people's lives

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "abundance mindset", the main reason why I choose that topic because very few people are going to develop their thinking style to be abundance mindset, if you ask me why very few people develop their mindset because the process may take several years to do, besides that, people tend to overlook the benefit from the abundance mindset, as impact, people will not do something to develop their mindset, here is my research; people who have built their growth mindset, they don't feel satisfied easily after they see the result, instead, people will sacrifice their major time to do something worthy in order to welcome the greatest power from the future, if we see reality now, very few people want to break their own rule because they don't want to get more trouble in their life and they want to live secure, in fact, there is nobody in the world can accomplish something great if there is no mistake was made, remember; trouble is basically a neutral, it can become our friend when we know how to handle the trouble, wheres, trouble can become our foe when we hate it very much or we ignore to take the lesson from it.

resilience is the best component to grow mindset

  Now my question; "what will you do when there is nobody can help you to solve your problem?", that's basic question how to test your mindset, if you want to possess abundance mindset, you have to detect the critical problem where it happens to most people's lives, I believe everybody in this world has different problem, if you want your problem will be solved, you have to organize your skill and you have to ensure your skill can reduce a problem which causes a lot of pain to others, that's ritual you need to develop within your daily activity, if you don't challenge yourself, how you know your strongest power, even though everybody in this world has weak spot, it doesn't mean they can't optimize their weak spot, in order to strengthen our weak spot, we must strengthen our power by sharing our privilege to others, such as idea, vision, ingenuity, problem analysis, motive, here is the first option you must do if you want to develop your mindset is you find the information through internet, TV, radio, social media which it tells you about the critical problem, remember; critical problem usually happens in what people hate to do or what people fear to do, if you want to solve critical problem, don't behave like 99% people's habit, that's key, here is the second option you must do if you want to develop your mindset; don't feed your mind with short term gratification periodically, the reason why you must avoid short term gratification periodically because it has high potential to paralyze your purpose, focus, concentration and enthusiasm, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good life.