Absolute advantage


    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Absolute advantage”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many of us can’t see advantage every time we will face the accident or the disaster, the problem why we can't see advantage in any worse condition because we train our mindset to hate something we don't love it, if our response says such thing, means, we lack the pain of growth, that’s common problem which it occurs to our lives, I research about the human’s habit that most of them really hate about adversity and most of them demand about absolute advantage without wanting to leave the bad habit they have built, they need to pass the consequence first if they want to get absolute advantage, that's rule, do you know what causes us to respond negativity after we receive the life's demand? we consider ourselves is self-righteous, remember this; if we choose to reject what life provides, we will never know about God's purpose, if we are making habit of it, we life gets stuck and it will never change as we wish, if we always do self-reflection after we do something, anything can be advantage even though there is disaster, crisis, insurmountable problem, betrayal, rejection, because they are good nutrition for our subconscious mind, the unpleasantness can bring absolute advantage if we don't hate with the process, here is the philosophy we need to remember; not all you hate is bad and not all you love is good, if you always train your mindset to love what you do, your subconscious mind will not accept adversity, if you always train your mindset to adapt with new adversity, your subconscious mind will get stronger, then it will attract more luck and your life will prosper your potential.

     Now what you do and what you choose will determine your future, now my question is “are you seeking absolute advantage only or you are building an access for problem ?” if you love to seek absolute advantage, you must build an access for problem to come to you, our main problem is we produce unproductive habit unknowingly, here is the key how to stop producing unproductive habitdon’t stay indulged what your lust wants because it will not make you happy, in addition, it will make you feel regretful, whatever you do now, it will become nutrition to your mind and habit, if you don't beware about your choice, life will manipulate you, if you want to make a big change in your life, you must commit to do something you never learn, your subconscious mind needs to be fed with adversity, so it will help you to analyze problem and solve problem as much as you can, remember this; the more problem you accept is not going to kill your hope as long as you stay committed with what the nature demands you to do something good, if you love to learn problem, you commit to stay rich, if you reject to learn about problem, you commit to stay poor, that's the mind gameplease don’t hate your life because everything you choose is going to build up your life pattern, if you don’t like with your life pattern, hate what you love the most and love what you hate the most, when you do that, everything happens in life will become the advantage for you, I think my explanation is enough hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.