3 great positive thinking techniques

The positive thinking needs long term test
  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "3 great positive thinking techniques", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people want to get the power of positive thinking, if we look deeper about the purpose of positive thinking, basically positive thinking is designed to influence people how to have a new hope every day, even though new hope is not always waiting us, but if we can combine with our skillset, as impact, hope is seen as the miracle, the basic point is we must ensure our purpose is on the right track, meaning, we create purpose where it can prolong our happiness, peace and long term curiosity, remember this; purpose is very different with satisfaction, purpose is the guideline which can help you to differentiate between your illusion of mind and God's plan, the definition of illusion of mind; the product of your imagination which can ensure you to believe everything you do and everything you love is always morally right and pleasurable, whereas, God's plan is like intuition where it can offer you with a lot of confusion, uncomfortable, endurance, good feeling, pain and riddle, now my question is "which direction you need to go?" your illusion of mind or God's plan, if you use this question to be given to your friends, comrades, coworker or parents, I am sure the majority of people will choose illusion of mind because it can give them a lot of pleasure, not pain. 

Positive thinking process needs high energy / vibration

 From the statistic data; the majority of people can't get the power of positive thinking because they always pursue what gives them short term pleasure, basically, positive thinking can't be adhered with short term pleasure, so positive thinking will be active when we can combine between hope and fear at the same time until our inner peace don't get bothered by hope and fear, at this moment I would like to share 3 great positive thinking technique, here is the first positive thinking techniques is you must challenge your enthusiasm every day with the problem you want to solve, the reason why your enthusiasm needs to be tested with the problem because you will never know whether your enthusiasm is strong or weak, if your enthusiasm is weak, there is no way for you to continue what you pursue, remember; your enthusiasm is like a spiritual leader, if your enthusiasm can be restricted by the material world, meaning, you have walked on the wrong direction, here is the second positive thinking techniques is you have to ensure your working style isn't get motivated by your own expectation, instead, you follow the excellence path, remember this advice; pursuing your own expectation only gives you relentless pain, such as, disappointment, panic attack and regret, if you are working on your own goal, you have to ensure your enthusiasm will not attach with the reward you expect, but your enthusiasm totally adheres with your sense of love, the third positive thinking techniques is you mustn't hate towards what you don't know even though you don't see the outcome you expect, if you can develop this technique in your mindset, your positive thinking will not be easily crushed by the life's uncertainty, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.