Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "What is true love quotes", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people think love quotes can give them new energy to express what they feel, unfortunately many people prefer to receive love and care from others rather than do in the opposite way, I have ever shared that true love can't be collected by showing our expectation, true love is about how you love yourself wholeheartedly, in order to receive true love, we must give something to others without demanding them to provide what we want, for example; you want to eat the orange fruit for long term periods because you commit to have a diet program, so all you need to do is cultivate the orange fruit seeds in the ground, water it regularly, fertilize it until the orange fruits are ready to harvest, the conclusion is you can't eat the fruit in the same day you plant the fruit seeds in the ground, you always need more time to pass through all process from your planting activity to harvesting activity, remember: love is not like use something you need and you discard it when you don't need it anymore, love is always started by nurturing something until you no longer to live in this world, the power of love is always needing sincerity and more attention before we will receive the power of love, basically don't ever think you can receive something from life at the first time, this rule doesn't work at all in reality, it is the same goes you need to sow the fruit seeds before you reap the fruit, before life is created, human are endowed by Almighty Allah with the power of creation, unlimited potential and force control, all we need to do if we want to build a good life is do something as if we are obligated to do, during waiting the end process, we aren't allowed to control the result because every result is belonged to Allah's responsibility, our main job as human being is give more, invest more, learn more, adapt more, love more and sincere more, if we don't do like this strategy, we indirectly break the natural law, if we break the natural law, as impact, we will get more suffering because we lack of doing or giving what our future needs.
Remember this love quotes "you must find something that you would die for and live for it", from that statement, I don't ask you to agree with me, what I suggest is you must know your top priority rather you pursue what you want, if you feel loved during doing the activity, meaning, you are in the best spot and you are chosen to hold responsibility as if God demands you to care it for everlasting, if you don't feel loved during doing the activity, meaning, you pursue something that you don't deserve it, if you are trapped in the condition, meaning, you must leave that activity and then you find new activity that it excites you or you contribute what the world needs with your specialty, remember thing: feeling loved is like having strong enthusiasm in the deepest soul, so the human's great spirit comes from the activity which can connect between enthusiasm and your purpose, if you stop doing what makes you excited, you only get suffering, anxiety and unrelenting fear, here is the first strategy how to feel loved in daily basis: stop pursuing the end result and pursue what makes you happy, to become a happy person; you aren't allowed to stop practicing even though you have succeeded to aim something meaningful to you, if you have 7 days in your life, you only need a resting time for 2 days, so 5 days you must use to practice, here is the second strategy how to feel loved in daily basis; stop trying so hard to please other people when you aren't meant to be, here is the love quotes you need to ponder: the more you intend to please others, the less time you can make your quality time is worth, life is personal responsibility, before you save others, you must save your future as top priority, if you don't invest more time to save your future, as impact, you can't help others, please be the best version of yourself if you want to make a better place to others, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.