Wealth of knowledge

The intangible asset is like knowledge

     Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Wealth of knowledge” the main reason why I say such thing because not everyone possesses wealth of knowledge, if you ask me why not everyone possesses wealth of knowledge because they think possessing knowledge can't earn money, so they consider focusing on the money is better than focusing on knowledge, the main reason why most people think like that because they live in desperate family, live with poor lifestyle, no wonder they will think like that, based on my research; absorbing knowledge is like absorbing wealth or fortune, we all know that problem always monitors us from everywhere place, having money can't make problem is staying away from us, instead of, money will create more problem when we don't know how to utilize the function of money for the right purpose, remember; wealth of knowledge is part of act of service, meaning, knowledge can become a good warrior which can protect us from getting caught by problem and also it can help us how to earn money once we overcome problem, sooner or later, money always finds its way to come us when we absorb wealth of knowledge, here is the note; the purpose of wealth is not making human being got respected, but wealth indicates how tremendous of human's responsibility and their mental acumen during making better life, now if we take a look about the human’s lifestyle recently, many people prolong their satisfaction by having unclear want, lack of vision and having a lot of demand to the external thing such as other people’s opinion, money, influence, reputation, social media and luck, so I think those are real problem which can block human's mindset to grow, do you know why I am saying like this because they forget how to prioritize something more important than what they pursue so far, remember this; wealth of knowledge can create more fortune than create more money, if people focus on money, money will influence people's habit and it can make people follow money's habit, finally people will spend their major time to pursue money's habit until they pass away, but if people focus on how to earn knowledge, knowledge will attract fortune and fortune will attract more money without needing to pursue where the money goes.  

         Knowledge is the greatest asset so far, If you collect vast knowledge in the future, it can help you to maintain your sustainable business, If you start a new career, I suggest you to give your act of service to as many as people the main reason why I suggest like that because giving the act of service is the only way how to gain more success and more knowledge, the basic of wealth is giving something worthy to any creature, that's the basic rule from the natural law,  if we don't follow that rule, means, we don't want to be rich person, even though giving own service needs more time and more physical energy, this method can help people to maintain the intangible asset, whether we like it or not when we see rich people in the world, those people have many intangible asset rather than having the tangible asset, the intangible asset should be the capital gain from property, public speaking skill, vast knowledge, creativity, integrity, courage, deep faith, determination, good attitude, those assets which can help people how to gain more wealth, remember this; all great thing comes from our wealth of knowledge, if we don't have knowledge, we aren't authorized how to gain more fortune, if we just focus how to earn money only, we don't need those assets, instead, we only trade our time, physical and obedience to money's habit, that's the difference between the function of intangible asset and money, starting from now, we must try to train our mental skill in order to gain more intangible asset rather than gain tangible asset, here is the last note; money is not asset, money is the facility, if we focus to money, we can't produce asset to represent us in the future, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.