How to stop being shy

Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome to my blog, Today I would like to discuss about the interesting topic "How to stop being shy", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people's behavior are locked with their own shyness, I am not saying having shyness is bad, but sometimes we need to know that our shy can limit our potential to grow, we look at the society's lifestyle, most of them like to buy something without showing their shyness, but they feel shy when they sell something to the customer, that's ironic attitude, if you ask me why many people are being shy when they realize that growing their career is important because their mindset is blocked with people's belief system, belief system comes from their poor visualization, their fear, their hatred feeling towards life's adversity or life's uncertainty, their low esteem, etc. now the question to you is "what you can do if you have shyness?", remember; having shyness to do kindness is not good, do you know why? because having sense of shyness will block the miracle to change our lives, in my opinion; do kindness will help us to multiple our wealth or increase our inborn skill, whether we like it or not, we must offer something important to the world and let others know what we do, that's life's demand, if we stop doing something good in this life, we only receive something undeserved. 

The first thing you should do if you feel shy is do the research about type of problem you love to do in deep scale and how to make it as your life purpose, this process will take more time to realize, so you can't sit and do nothing, you must find as much as information how to know what you can and what you are enthusiastic with, if you stop evolving inborn specialty which has been endowed by God's granted to you, as impact, you will lose everything, in my humble opinion, you must create a journal and try to dictate your mind by writing down something which can make you feel triggered to do in reality, the first question is "what is my big why if there is nobody will help me to grow?", the second question is "what to do with my big why?", the purpose of that question will drive you to practice your mind by trying something until you feel renewed than before, if you already find your big why, you definitely find a clear purpose
   Remember this note: having a clear purpose is superpower, you can't do something if you stop doing what makes you excited to do, stay focus on your true feeling is the best reflection in this life, if you can't find your self-mirror, you will not find your enthusiasm, Here is The second thing you should do if you feel shy : have contingency plan to rip off your dignity, meaning, you must convince yourself that dignity is part of ego, dignity is not good thing to grow with our lives, dignity is mental block that we must dump in the past, if we have contingency plan, meaning, we have something to struggle and we realize that our lives will get dangerous pressure when we keep growing our dignity, remember; realize something unreal is better than realize something we don't know its impact, sometimes our shyness materializes into dignity and block our enthusiasm to grow, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully you can get something benefit from this article, good luck.