How to calm down from a panic attack

Panic expression

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "How to calm down from a panic attack", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can calm when they are facing something frightening, if you ask me why many people can't calm themselves from a panic attack because they consider a panic attack can bring something huge effect in the future again if they will meet with something frightening again, in my opinion; that's the part of self-delusion, do you know why I say such thing because people convince themselves to believe something as if there is no future at all, let me remind you again that "the future never come if we don't change what inside of ourselves, the external cause will not affect to what inside of ourselves if we always upgrade our belief system", the key to escape from a panic attack is upgrading our belief system until we can change our perception about what makes us a panic, basically, there is nothing in the world can make us panic except we allow ourselves to give a permission to what can fear us, remember this; the external problem is not the same as the internal problem, which one is more dangerous to you? the external problem or the internal problem, if you answer the external problem is more dangerous than internal problem, meanings, you aren't developing your own skill, you aren't developing your character and finally you let your own mind is controlled by the external problem, here is the wisdom we need to ponder; Almighty God will make something dangerously to us if we don't believe with the inborn skill where it had been set by God to useven though the past experience could hurt us, if we don't empower our belief with what scares us, panic disorder will not come us anymore, if there is someone says to you "panic attack is inevitable", meanings, he doesn't recognize his weaknesses and strength point, panic is neutral, even though it is neutral, it can jeopardize our mentality when we lack our focus energy and we lack of vision, as long as we don't do something predictable/easy in many times, hope will immobilize what scares us.

Panic disorder is caused by small mindfulness

  If you see the picture above, it describes that people who have fixed mindset, they can't see something bigger or amazingly because their ignorance has blinded their vision, people who are unable to execute their vision into reality, their mind will become an easy target for getting attacked by panic disorder, the sage person ever said "crime, negative news, panic disorder, economy crisis, schizophrenia, depression can happen at anytime if we jeopardize our lives into instant pleasure and we don't give our lives with a purpose", here is the first strategy how to calm down from a panic attack; don't follow the masses, meanings, you must spend your time to execute your vision alone and you do what you commit with it, if there is no strong commitment, there is no discipline, the majority of people will not do what makes you happy, they only take you from the privilege where it had been waiting you long time ago, if you spend your time to seek beyond of yourself, you can't see a big picture within yourself, if you always do based on what the world says, panic attack will come to you because you don't forge your own masterpiece within your mentalityhere is the second strategy how to calm down from a panic attack; don't focus on what you can't do and don't let what you can't do interferes what you can, meanings, you put your limited energy to focus on 1 thing which can make yourself is amazed when you do and you feel proud to tell what you have done to your parents, here is the last note; if you don't do something easier every day, your life will not receive something harder, but if you do something easier, your life will not support what you want, panic disorder only attacks weak mind, not strong one, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.