How to be more confident in yourself

Pull the brain potential

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "How to be more confident in yourself", the main reason why I choose that topic because there are many people lose their confidence, if you ask me why many people can't boost their confident level because they feel ashamed about the activity they had done in the past or they receive more poor information than receive the valuable information, if you want to upgrade your confident level, you must give something you love more than you can receive, that's basic requirement you need to know, the main reason why giving something you love to others is very powerful because you build a power where it can help you to test your limit, here is my research; people's confidence will increase itself as long as they are willing to break their limit and they are willing to take as much as responsibility by being a resourceful person to other people's problem, it is not easy to deal with other people's problem because every problem needs someone's endurance and someone's tough experience, as long as we lack of information how to turn problem into solution, we will never get a chance how to be more confident than ourselves, there are two qualifications we need to pass out if we want to be more confident than ourselves; we are expecting less from other people's help and staying curious how to break our limit, the reason why we need to break our limit because it is the only way how to grow our potential, the good news; our potential will grow more efficient as long as we commit to stay in the place where it offers something not beneficial at all to our behalf.

 Do you think a sense of confidence will appear to your personality out of the blue? No it is not, you need to pay something big as a return for receiving self-confidence at the highest level, our confidence level is determined by how much problem we have passed it out, as long as we just do something predictable and easier, our confidence level will not grow as we expect, the confidence level needs something beyond of our expectation, if we just do something easier and noticeable, we will never get high confidence level, our confidence will not benefit to us if we look for something enjoyable, all we need to do is give a pressure to something we do even though it's not beneficial to us and it still gives a good impact to others, let me give you several strategies how to be more confident than yourself, here is the first strategy you need to do how to be more than yourself; be someone who is being hated by your past experience,  meaning, you don't follow the habit where you grew up with it in the past, then you keep challenging your past habit by doing something you never knew about the outcomehere is the second strategy you need to do how to be more than yourself; stay curious about something you haven't accomplished yet, the reason why you need to stay curious about what you haven't accomplished because every accomplishment you created will turn out into your outstanding power, if you don't have enough power, your mentality can't sustain the responsibility weight from being confident personI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.