How can I believe in myself

Self confident figure

Hi, good reader, howdy ? Welcome back to my article, today I would like to share about the topic "How can I believe in myself", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone believes about themselves, if you ask me about the root of problem why not everyone is able to believe about themselves because they are too feared about the ideology they believe, besides that, they aren't bravery enough to prove whether their ideology is right or wrong, in order to avoid being not confidence, people must do something which can connect with the competence level they build, remember this note : if there is no competence, there's no self confidence level, if there's no self confidence, there is no way how to believe something inconceivable, if we want to believe something, we must search about the resource which can prove it, if there is no evidence, there is no deep belief, if there's no deep belief, there is no reality, now our main job as human being is honing our ideology until our self identity can identify kind of belief can be applied, the first requirement how to believe ourselves is combat self hatred, maybe it is little a bit ridiculous, but it is true, as long as we can't combat self hatred, we will feel difficult to adapt with new circumstances, starting from now, we must learn how to combat self hatred, if we don't try it, our darkness will shallow our kindness, it is not simple to believe what we have been through, sometimes most of us tend to believe what others think rather than believe what we think, here is the key how to believe ourselves; "there is nobody knows about the future because the future is always private, if we realize that there is nobody will know it, there is no other way to believe someone who doesn't know about the future", basically everyone is always being stupid when talking about tomorrow, in order to believe in what we do, we just need to compete with our past, not what other people say.

  Believe in what we do even though it seems unsuccessful, that method is better than believe what other people say, that's risk we need to take, remember; believe in ourselves will be tested with doubt and fear, that's real challenge, do you know why I say such thing because real challenge will offer you a new experience where you can't forget it easily and also real challenge will leave a new pain where you can't hide it easily, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to believe ourselves more than believe in what anyone else saying, here is the first strategy how to believe what we do; don't accustom by lying, this part is very crucial, if we start saying lie to ourselves as well as others, as impact, life will give us the moment where people will lie to us and we will be deceived with something we don't know, such as fake ideology,  here is the second strategy how to believe what we do; we must not fear to any mistake and don't try to avoid new mistake, this part is very crucial, even though mistake will leave a terrible feeling, it is part of strategy how not to repeat it in the future, sometimes creating new mistake is creating new progress in our life story, if there is no progress in our life story, we will never know whether what we do is right or wrong, mistake is good teacher where it can lead us to the enlightenment and also mistake will give us an alert not to make the same mistake, if we try to avoid making new mistake, we will never believe by what we do further, sometimes making one or two mistakes in the same area is enough to make us alerted, besides that, we don't need to repeat the mistake where it had been done by other people's story, the best mistake is we can create mistake where most people in the world can't create itI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.