Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "First love story", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people don't realize when they create the first love story, then they will receive something illogical, if you ask me why many people don't realize when they get the first love story because they only focus on the hope rather than what love demands, what most people want is how to get pleasure more and more again, no wonder they would be mistreated by their first love by experiencing the pain of broken heart, I have ever shared in another article that every human will not get the power of love by receiving more than what they can give, that's natural law, if we always want to get more love without any intention to give something more than what we reward to others, as impact, we will become a love beggar / love slave until we die, the bad news is we will live like a beggar in the real life if we treat our sense of love such thing, we shouldn't manipulate the natural law if we want to feel peace at any time, the main problem why we can't detect the first love at the first time because we believe with what our eyes can see rather than to believe what our eyes can't see, as human being who knows nothing about the consequences of feeling loved, we must learn about the consequence before we will put our sense or love to others, the best thing we can do when we feel loved with our first love is we treat our sense of love with open-hearted, knowledge and self-awareness to be ready to feel broken heart when we don't get what we expect, if we look at reality now is many people rely on other people's love rather than their own sense of love to themselves, that's sign of desperate person's life, here is the first requirement how to improve our love story is we must believe that we can give something worth to us more than what others does for us, here is what makes us to feel broken heart is we are having huge expectation on something which can be permanent with us where it can't be with us forever, if our sense of love to Almighty Allah is lower than our sense of love to the material world, as impact, we will feel insecure, unhappy, depression, here is the good news: if our sense of love to Allah is larger than what we love so far, as impact He will put a sense of liking to us and He will make us to love something useful, meaningful and prestigious.