Confirmation bias meaning


 Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back to my article, today I would like to share about the topic "Confirmation bias meaning", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is able to believe about what they convince, if you ask me "why not everyone is able to believe about what they convince?" because not everyone really recognizes deeply about their own identity, here is my research: what makes people believe referring to what they can see outside of themselves, not what they can see inside of themselves, as long as people just believe what's outside, they don't create the confirmation bias for themselves, instead of they prophesy their own fate based on what's happening right now, remember this note; giving the confirmation bias means convincing your deep belief that what's inside of you will be manifested exactly to what's outside of you, if what you believe isn't manifested into reality, meaning, the vibration level of what's inside of you isn't completed yet to be materialized into reality, in order to materialize what you believe into reality, you must give your own brain with the command and give it the confirmation bias twice a day, namely every morning and every late night, the purpose is to ensure your subconscious mind receives what your confirmation bias wants, besides that, you must learn how to adapt well with new life experience where you may not have it, as we know that the fact is the place where it shows about the result, if the result doesn't come out, definitely there is something incomplete where human don't provide it yet, such as the massive action, repetition, the words of affirmation, praying, commitment, patience time, self-determined and deep belief, remember this note; the confirmation bias's function is not to drive where our lives will be, but to ensure our message to the universe is in line what we wish deeply. 

  In order to combine between what we want to see with what the fact wants, we must create mental preparation first, maybe it takes several years to earn what we believe, do you know why I say such thing because the spiritual realm is the place where it offers something we visualize and we believe, as long as we don't visualize something, we will feel difficult to drive what we believe to get materialized in reality realm, in reality, we can't change it because it is result from the past moment, what we didn't choose in the past, we are considered to choose the fact, before the fact will say something about our circumstance, we must train our mental to form something we visualize in our mind, as if we had given the hidden message to the universe about what we insist to obtain in the reality realm, here is the first strategy how to give the confirmation bias to our mind; we have to shape the end result into our mind, not to dictate the universe with the journey process, the reason why I say such thing because our capacity is not strong enough to think about the journey process, what we can do is give the message to the universe about the end result, here is the second strategy how to give the confirmation bias to our mind; our deep belief must be trained with the positive words where we want to hear badly, if we just hear something we don't want to, as impact, our vibration level will be interrupted, finally we only get disappointment, so we have to ensure our mind will receive the voice where it comes from our deep belief, not what other people say, here is the third strategy how to give the confirmation bias to our mind; don't try to give our mind with the pusher's statement, such as I want to own what I want right now from the universe because I am so eager to have it, remember; we aren't entitled to manage time, we are just a guest from the universe's homeif we try to manage time, we will never become a peaceful person, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.