Great work habits

Best work habit chooses person's valuable personal strength

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with my blog, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Great work habits", the main reason why I choose that topic because many employees want to prove their service to the company in order to avoid the work termination before pension, if you ask me why many employee fear to get the work termination because they feel to be undeserved person to get new job and they lack of worst preparation, in this life, we must have the asset value which can support our resource, the asset value could be the real estate, the paper asset, money, the intellectual asset, gold, business, unfortunately, not everyone behaves to be the asset's hunter, instead of they become the money hunter, in order to build great work habits, people must choose the type of service they want to offer to the market or the company they work, for example; if we choose to work as the waiter, what we can do as the waiter; we are going to work on time, keep the restaurant's cleanliness, ensure the food / beverage's order is matched to the customer's need, those are examples of the best work habits for the waiter, remember this note; the great work habits only can be shaped when you can combine between your mental preparation with the situation you don't enjoy to do, meaning, you do something using whatever it's available, you are usually being pushed to do something even though you don't have what you really need, it takes a lot of time to make improvisation because it can't be learned by most people's ideas, improvisation comes from individual's mental development and valuable experience

The leader has best work habits

 Here is my question to you "what are you going to do if this life gives you an opportunity to shape great work habits?", before you answer that question, you have to ensure you are ready to accept the worst consequences and also you must imagine about something which can drives you to the worst situation until you don't get opportunity to make complaint, even though there is something beyond your expectation, you must accept or adapt with it, there is none other way, please don't try to make an excuse to escape from the situation which can give you an option (accept or adapt), if you aren't willing to try you haven't done yet, your life will not give you an opportunity to promote your qualification, in order to create the best work habit, its process can't be represented by doing something easy or doing something we want, the easier we do, it will make us to do something ordinary, not to do something better, here is the first strategy how to develop great work habit: we train ourselves to wake up in the morning around 4 AM in every day, the reason why I advise you to wake up in the morning around 4 AM because the miracle is coming from the beginning of the morning day, if we can't get up in the morning around 4 AM, as impact our brain wave will belittle our action, so we will behave like lazyboneshere is the second strategy how to develop great work habit: we make the monitoring board to ensure our work is in line with the target, even though this strategy is simple, if people don't apply it, as impact, their working performance will devalue itself, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life career, good luck.