Good reading habits

Reading book is good habit of successful people

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back to my blog, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Good reading habits", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone considers reading habit is part of good habit, if you ask me why not everyone believes that reading habit is part of good habit because they don't consider knowledge is power, instead of people consider money is power, I don't blame what they say, as far as I know about successful people's habit, the majority of successful people like to read book even though they feel busy with their own daily activity, the reason why successful people like to read book because they believe knowledge will enrich mindset, remember this note; "good mindset will change human's perception" there is no good mindset coming from small minded person, good mindset is developed by contemplation, research, reading book, doing some experiments, discuss with experienced people and good experience, book is not making a guarantee for the readers, book is designed to share the writer's life experience which may help the reader's future lives, knowledge is not giving a new currency, but knowledge can enrich what people think, if what people think can give new result from what they do, meaning, knowledge can give contribution to the reader's life experience, I myself consider building reading habit is difficult since my childhood, do you know why I say such thing because my ego will try to pull me back to my old mindset where it didn't teach me anything valuable, in order to avoid the old paradigm, so I need to give a strong reason to my brain space until I have self-awareness to read book, from what I research about human's psychology, the brain will not develop itself when it is not given by purpose and strong reason, here is my conclusion; the more I give strong reason to my mind, the more I find my weaknesses, that what I feel so far. 

   The reason why many people underestimate about the advantage of reading book because they think money is more important than knowledge and they behave as if they were having higher value than the valuable information from the book, it is called stupidity, do you know why I say such thing because they consider knowledge and science is not as important as what human have, in fact, knowledge and science is immortal, if there is no knowledge and science, the world would be perished, based on the late Thomas Alva Edison's wisdom; He said "60% people in the world choose to die when they are pushed to think, 30% people try to think naturally and 10% people choose to think deeply about what happens in this life", based on my own opinion; thinking is risky and more difficult because we need to make new experience, do some tests, e.g. to test our insight, to test our commitment, to test our credibility, to test our knowledge, the most people's fear is not about the consequence, but fear to think more than their ideology, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to have the reading habit, here is the first strategy we must do if we want to have the reading habit; we must have long term goal, midterm goal and short term goal, for example; we plan to build a restaurant business, so we need to prepare something which is related with the restaurant itself, so we need daily goal, if there is no new goal within our daily basis, as impact, our lives will not make any progress at all, if there is no progress, our lives will be going backward, finally we will be living like a mediocre person, here is the bad news; if we behave like mediocre person, our soul vibration will attract inadequate, stupidity and lazinesshere is the second strategy we must do if we want to have the reading habit; we train ourselves to develop a new skill, meaning, we push ourselves to love a new skill, if we have a new skill, our confidence level is increasing, if our confidence is increasing, we can delegate our skill to make a good contribution, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.