Manifesting love

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with my blog, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Manifesting love", the main reason why I choose that topic because manifesting love is like manifesting the law of attraction, if we talk about the law of attraction, I believe many people often talk about "the law of attraction", since 2018 many people got inspired from the book "the secret", in that book had talked a lot about manifesting law of attraction, basically the law of attraction is almost similar with the law of cause and effect, as we know the law of cause and effect is one of natural law which is developed in philosophy in order to introduce people about the effect of the natural science, the simple word of the law of cause and effect is "whatever you sow, you definitely reap", if you don't sow, you don't reap, meaning, if you don't use your time to take opportunity and sow something useful, you don't even have a chance to reap what you sow, now my question is "is everyone ready to manifest the law of attraction?", we all know everyone wants to get a result, but they don't consider about the main cause which drives them to get result as they want, remember; if people only push the result into their mindset, they must pull the great potential to receive the result, that's law, if there is no potential usage, there is no result will appear, if there is no specific result, there is only confusing and blaming act, do you know the location of problem which is not realized by human? the answer : No clear direction, No focus, No self-awareness, No good feeling and No valid reason, remember; our mental factory needs a mental picture as the fuel to manifest what we want into reality, a mental picture can be captured from good intention, focus, abundance feeling, valid reason, self-awareness, study and massive action.

  What we need to do is not dictating the universe how to gain the end output, but how to magnify the right input into our mindset, the program which is embedded into our mindset is more important than to tell the universe about what we want in reality, sometimes being wrong to ask about result is better than being wrong to put the input our mindset, if we put something wrong into our mindset, as result, we only get what we don't want in reality, am I correct?, we all know the big output is calculated by the big input, right?, in order to create big input, we must create program into our mindset, such as good intention, good knowledge, commitment, good feeling, valid reason, study about the consequence, and massive action, that's good input we need to manifest the law of attraction, if there is no big input, there is no big output, that's law, remember; the result will never be able to violate the process, if the process is right, the result will be okay, if we often meet many obstacles, we must check what we put into our mindset first because it is essential factor, setting the subconscious mind's program is not simple as what we think, we must realize what we put inside our mindset, if we put terrible experience into our mindset, the result will pursue us wherever we go, even though we can't stop the mind process, at least we stop doing the activity which can drive us to attract something we don't want, here is the first strategy how to manifest love; we must have one clear goal as the clarity, if there is no clarity, there is no strong belief, in order to develop strong belief, we must repeat what we talk and what we behave until our belief has touched with our inner child which may go through into God's spot, here is the second strategy how to manifest love; we must be ready to accept the consequence from what reality offers to us, meaning, we must be eye opener when we get many challenges from reality and we must focus what we do until the time has succeed to materialize what we work into real life, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight for your career, good luck.