Habits of mind activities for students

Student's reading activity

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back to my blog, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Habits of mind activities for students", the main reason why I choose that topic because many students aren't aware about what they do, what they feel and what they behave, this is new challenge for adult people who want to know about how big the student's potential, if we look at the statistical data, 30% child potential is bigger than adult people when they try to do something, the reason why child's potential is faster than adult people because adult people are skeptical when they try to believe something which is related with something out of their expectation, the main problem comes from what adult people believe, e.g. tradition, religion, ideology, and community, if we compare with child or student, they don't too care about tradition, religion, ideology and community, what children believe is what they face even though they don't know what is going happen, if they face something, they try to do their best, that's difference of habits of mind, basically adult people should learn something from students or child, do you know why? because adult people use their alter ego when they do something new, adult people are too scary with risk even though it is not kind of thing that kill human's lives, if we review from adult people's habit of mind, they often compare between their standard and reality, whereas, student consider their standard is lower than reality, no wonder many students aren't scary with new risk because they build a deep belief in their mind until they have nothing to worry as long as they believe in their capacity growth, adult people often fear about new risk because their standard has limited their mindset. 

The student draws a picture

  What makes students feel confidence is not caused by their intellectual, but the willingness to know more about their limit and their endurance to grow, the habit of mind of student is very simple and naturally, if they want to do something, they keep doing even though there is no way to reveal the solution, sometimes student doesn't need solution, what they need is action, student will stop doing something if there is dangerous thing came up into reality, I myself like to observe about the habit of mind of student because it is very natural, not complicated like the habit of mind of adult people, as adult people, we should learn how to behave like student, remember this; the students don't depend on what their intellectual does, but they depend on their curiosity to know more about the limit of their endurance, that's habit of student is very powerful if we compare with adult people, now let me share to you about several strategy how to create the habit of mind like student, here is the first strategy we need to follow from the students; the students don't really care about the end result, what they care is attempt, that's kind of attitude will shape new belief, remember this; if there is no belief, there is no human will dare to do something, in order to shape a new belief, we don't need our intellectual capacity, what we need to do is attempthere is the second strategy we need to follow from the students; the students don't like to compare between reality and their own standard, the main reason why the students don't like to compare between reality and their own standard because they believe their own standard can't represent the truth, here is the third strategy we need to follow from the students; the student don't like the shortcut plan, what they need is learning processI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight to improve your life career, good luck.