Good reading habits


   Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back to my blog, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Good reading habits", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is willing to develop their reading habit, if you ask me why not everyone is willing to develop their reading habit because they consider knowledge is not as valuable as money, if we look at reality, knowledge plays a role as the mentor or educator, now imagine if people live in this world without any mentor or educator, how can people will live worthy?, if we compare between knowledge with money, money itself plays a role as the weapon which helps us to survive in this world, knowledge can't stand alone without money and money can't stand alone without knowledge, both can't be separated, if we combine between money and knowledge into one, it will become the major resource where it provides what human need and also helps human how to avoid the dangerous thing, now here is the big risk if human lose one of resource; people will lose their confidence and their self identity, people who only have knowledge without money will try to work forever for money, whereas, people who only have money without knowledge will try to do something dangerous, e.g. gamble, drugs, alcohol, free sex, do the satanic rituals, in my own opinion; knowledge is little bit more valuable than money even though money is also important, now the question is "how many people in this world will delegate knowledge for making better world?" the answer is "very few people will delegate knowledge for making better world", do you know what causes of it? because people lack another resource, namely money, the problem what this world facing right now is not lacking money, but lacking knowledge, even though the book store sells many books, people will not get knowledge from book because knowledge doesn't come from the book, knowledge comes from self contemplation, do the research, hard work and applying what people know to the reality after they are reading book, basically, knowledge is not free, knowledge needs huge price and sacrifice from what people have, like priority management, seriousness, commitment, unpleasant feeling, hard work, patience, etc.

   If we look at the education system at school, many students just sit down and do homework, it will not increase their curiosity power, what we can give to student is not giving homework, but the activity which drives them to find the answer by reading book, what children need is not playing around, but do something which encourages them to do until they aren't afraid to make a new mistake during learning, e.g. play dough, putting the puzzle like Lego, draw the dead object, planting the seeds in the ground, decorate the classroom, the main reason why children need to do something encouraging because their logic isn't active yet, as long as their logic isn't active yet, so we need to empower children's emotional power to do something positive and inspirational, what we can do as adult people is giving the safe facilities to children and we need to ensure the children are doing in the secure area during they are exploring something new, here is my suggestion; don't let children hate to read book, if they behave such thing, they will be skeptical when they are getting growing at adult age, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to develop reading habit, here is the first strategy how to develop reading habit; give a curiosity test to someone and compel him to find the answer at the book, even though it takes time to find the answer, at least there is reason for someone to read book, here is the second strategy how to develop reading habit; enroll someone to the course where it teaches the foreign language, even though this strategy is simple, I am positive that someone will try to find book which is related with the foreign language because someone feels urged to adapt by learning the foreign language, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.