Example of self actualization

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs

   Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back to my blog, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Example of self-actualization", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people get excited when they know what they are good at and what they aren't good at, there are many jobs in the world but not all jobs offer something which can connect between human's potential and the world's needs, what most people focus is how to increase profit only, with that reason, there is no astonishing when people will not find their potential because potential only works when people have a noble purposein order to find self-actualization, people must choose a job which is in line with something they are really enthusiastic, if you want to create self-actualization, you must have a strong feeling such enthusiasm, remember; enthusiasm is the first line how to develop potential, if there is no enthusiasm which works on us, there is no potential which works on what we focus, that's law, enthusiasm is like a soul which lives in human's body, maybe you will ask with the question "how do I know if I reach self-actualization?", to answer that question, we can take a look a bit from maslow hierarchy of need, it is part of strategy how to develop what human have to reach the top hierarchy's pyramid, the first step is physiological needs, meaning, we must use what Al mighty God offers, such as water, food, clothing, sleep, shelter, healthy body, after that, we need to find safety needs, such as job, new resource (physical asset or intangible asset), if we can succeed at this stage, we need to find the activity we love until the activity can connect with other people's need, if we surpass this challenge, we need to build self-esteem, meaning, we build a skill which can promote us to the new world where it has nothing to do with our previous lifestyle, in this stage, we need more time to develop a skill because it can't be shaped in several days, we need to build a character which can match with a skill.

The pyramid of Self actualization

  After our character can match with a skill, finally we will reach the final stage, we can call self-actualization, meaning, we have united with our future self, in this stage, we focus what we need to do without doubt and we don't consider other people's opinion as our identity, it is difficult enough when we know not all what we struggle will be appreciated by other people, but life will never look down what we struggle, as long as we don't doubt what we do and we don't depreciate what we commit, life will proceed our intention to grow up our potential, remember; whatever we choose something, life will respond in way we don't understand it, even though we don't choose something, life will give another option until we choose, if we don't struggle, life will work based on its default system, meaning, we are forced to feel pain, disappointment and unpleasant failure without knowing how to escape from the default system, at this moment I would like to share some examples of self-actualization, here is the first example of self-actualization; a professional writer has written 1.760 articles in 5 years period, he doesn't doubt what he did in the past, he feel enthusiastic even though he hadn't received one dollar from what he struggled so far, that's good example how to materialize self-actualization in reality, the most important thing from self-actualization is developing self-potential, not the end result of struggling, here is the second example of self-actualization; a businessman has offered 1.009 times to many restaurants for his chicken recipe, but none of the restaurants received that chicken recipe, even though a businessman failed to get agreement from the restaurants, he succeeds to develop his 1.009 nerves in his mental factory, that's good example how to materialize self-actualization in reality, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can inspire you and also can give you an insight to your life career, good luck.