Better work habits

Good worker model

   Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with my blog, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Better work habits", the main reason why I choose that topic because good working habit is the basic component how to improve our future career and how to promote our position at the company or organization we enrolled, if you ask me whether any criteria how to create good working habit, my answer is "No, you don't need any criteria to do that" because everyone can be participant for filling that position, what we need to do is not how to make our idea works, but how to develop our good working habit, in order to develop good working habit, we need to know our job description first, then we check what most employee will not do before they go home, the first thing we must do if we want to create good working habit is being a good observer, not being a good critic, the reason why we need to be a good observer because we don't look for people's working style, but we look for what most people don't do after they finished their job before going home, here is the first example of better working habit; we return every tool we used to the first place we took, the main reason why we should try to do such thing because that method will help us to use something important without making any big mistake, remember; small mistake doesn't come from what we can see, but small mistake sometimes comes from our recklessness and our ignorance about our working habit, plus we underestimate something we can do but we don't do it, if you ever see the accident which had occurred at the company, it usually happens when the tools employees used is being put at inappropriate place. 

Work on potential is good choice

  As employee, we don't need to make aggressive action to build good working habit, having good intention and small target is more important than anything else, here is the second example of better working habit; we ask the point of view from our trustworthy coworker about what we do, even though this method is simple, not all employees will do such thing because they consider a critic is menace for whatever they do, it is kind of humiliation, here is the third example of better working habit; we don't compare between our opinion and our boss's opinion, the main reason why I suggest such thing because we avoid a new conflict in the working place, even if we won after making a deal the opinion, our boss will think pessimistically about us and also they will doubt our loyalty to our boss if we succeed to tackle down boss's opinion, it is such dilemma, do you know why I say dilemma, because we will never win against our boss because we aren't authorized to change what boss decides, the more we present our qualification to our boss, the more they hate us, the reason is our boss doesn't allow us to compete against our boss's qualification, what our boss needs is not our clever way, but our loyalty without thinking more or protesting againsthere is the fourth example of better working habit; say a farewell to our boss before we are going home, the reason is our boss feels honored when many employees give a respect to him/her, here is the fifth example of better working habit; we do a double check for our proposal before we take decision, the main reason is we avoid recklessness and unnecessary mistake, even though we are valued by our boss as a smart employee, it doesn't mean we don't develop our perception repeatedly, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.