Halo effect definition

Halo effect


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back to my article, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Halo effect definition", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can recognize about halo effect meaning, as we know halo effect is kind of mental working principle where it can tell us about someone's life story based on the glance look, if you ask me about the important of halo effect, I will answer "halo effect will trigger my heart and it will ask me to recognize someone whom interest my attention", even though I don't know what other people did in the past, but if someone is telling me about his ability story and his past experience, that pattern is enough to represent what he behaves right now, remember this; catch many people's attention is easier than we ask someone to tell about his own story, we can't get halo effect from someone's existence when his existence doesn't show something which can't trigger my positive expectation, halo effect will happen in reality when someone's positive expectation matches with someone else's story which is considered as the first good impression, basically halo effect can't represent what someone accomplished in the past, please beware when we want to give our authority or trust to someone whom already bumped with us, not all people's past story will be able to give everything we need, we need to test someone's ability again and again until our doubt is gone, if we look at reality, many couple are amazed into each other without be willing to check whether they have detected the suitable character with the person whom they already acquainted or not, that's halo effect, if we work at company, our existence will be valued based on what we perform, not what we tell to company, so halo effect can't work for any situation, please be wary of that, if we just plan to make other people impressed with our story, halo effect will lose its value and finally we will lose our confidence, halo effect normally works less than 5 minutes, if we don't feel amazed with someone's story less than 5 minutes, that means, halo effect would not happen.

Halo effect phenomenon

  Starting from now, we must beware about person's life story because people's life story is not always bringing a good value to us, good person doesn't react positively when someone telling about his own goodness, whereas, small minded person will react happily when someone telling about his own goodness, basically halo effect will not happen when we empty our prejudice to people around us, we don't amaze about what others do and we do something for uniting differentiation, at this moment let me give you strategy how to put halo effect to the right direction, here is the first halo effect example we need to make; when we see the nature phenomenon where it can't be logically thought, if we don't amaze with the nature phenomenon, meaning, we don't acknowledge the power of universe, if we behave such thing, we behave such arrogant person, here is the second halo effect example we need to make; when poor person doesn't ask money to others, instead of poor person gives his money to the charity, that's very rare phenomenon, as far as i know poor person always demands money to others, I myself really hate with people who don't use their special ability and demand money from other people's ability, that's mental's handicap, here is the third halo effect example we need to make; when there is someone who suffers for lacking the food / the money, but he still focuses to help others, I feel proud and put my halo effect to someone who doesn't think about himself, I feel pity with him, if I were rich, I recruit him as my personal assistance and fund his mission, I  think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.