Gender bias definition

Gender bias represents the inequality of work type

  Hi good reader, howdy? welcome to my blog, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Gender bias definition", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people believe that they feel the impact of inequality during working at the company, they say "I shouldn't be working at this division because it doesn't relate to my skill", or "I should find a job where it requires my skills", based on psychology, people who concern about "me game", it doesn't grow someone's experience since life always gives something what we deserve, not to give what we want, if we always consider life is going to give what we want, life will lose its power and its value because human's desire is full of darkness, in this modern age, job doesn't require the different gender, what people need is recognition, credibility, virtuous and skill, for example; working as secretary, at the occurrence at industrial industry, secretary's job is dominated by women, but in the modern age, secretary's job can be handled by men, do you know? Because secretary's job doesn't need favorite gender, as long as people can handle secretary's job, it is good enough, but if people use gender bias, the company prefer use women as secretary when it is compared with men who have no beauty like women, some companies use gender bias as the reason to hire women because some of works can be done properly by women, e.g. steward, sales promotion girl, accountants, economy, customer service, etc. Remember: Even though women's work is more excellent in counting, it doesn't mean men can't do what women can do, sometimes the characteristics of women is more prioritized than what the intellectual can do, now here is my concern; what if men's work is done by women, is it fair or not? Maybe you will think men's physical power is greater than women's physical power, so the job should be given to men many more than women ? even though it already became the fact, but there are more jobs that women must do what men usually do, for example: the goods carrier, the public car driver.

  If you think gender becomes the obstacle to get a job, it is totally wrong, obstacle is not lies in different gender, but it lies in human's lack of capacity, remember; God chooses type of problem to be given to the type of human whom is matched with the capacity that human build to themselves, capacity is built within mental prowess, not built in human's physical, now our duty as human being is how to ensure that life looks up us as the person that we deserve, in order to be deserved person, we must check whether our daily basis can provide something that life can use, if life doesn't use our contribution or skill that we build through daily habit, as impact, life will put us to the area where we are forced to do something grateful, remember this note; life is like the gigantic machine where it can proceed whatever we visualize, whatever we say and whatever we behave, if we can't provide what life demands, as impact, life will make us to feel inadequate and finally we will feel into pain of stupidity and pain of regret, that's consequence where most people tend to ignore, now return to the topic we talk, "how we can do if life doesn't talk about gender bias?", I will answer that question "I will push myself to provide something where most people likely need it or most people likely to have in the future, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight for your career, good luck.