Cognitive bias definition

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back to my blog, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Cognitive bias definition", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is understanding the function of the cognitive bias, if you ask me why we need to learn about the cognitive bias because it will help human how to know their strength and weaknesses, cognitive bias almost happen in every second in human's emotional and intellectual, based on my own research : the cognitive bias will react when we believe something easily without knowing how to check whether there is negative impact or not, for example; some people believe this road is the only safest one how to go to the directed place we want, if we just go through this road without checking another way, as impact, we create the cognitive bias and we will close new opportunity which may come to us, remember this; the cognitive bias will always react negative when we violate the natural law and we reject something naturally, for example; we complain when we receive something from others or when we reject something that we actually need it, that kind of behavior will lead us to face new difficult we don't really expect it, "life is not created to fulfill what we want, but life is created to fulfill what we deserve"the conclusion from that bold printed statement is we aren't entitled to change reality, the more we want to change reality, the more we receive the cognitive bias which make us ruined, as human being, we shouldn't push our desire to change reality with what we believe, we only have right to propose something by praying, when we push what we believe until we are forced to do by all means, as impact, we create the cognitive bias which may destroy our self true belief, sometimes we need to get mental pain first in order to increase our self awareness, what we can do is emptying our ego and desire and follow the universe to taste uncertainty, mental pain and constant work until reality is manifesting what we deserve,  if we tend to follow what we desire endlessly, we indirectly shape our wild expectation and we inadvertently build our anger when what we believe has opposed our belief.


  Here is Cognitive bias definition is reaction from what human think about something which may affect to error, In order to avoid the cognitive bias, we must create the alternative choice in order to repel the cognitive bias which may happen to reality, for example; if we are faced with two big problems, we need to create the contingency plan to reduce the error impact which may happen to human action, we need to accept the consequence or error without trying to fight it back, if we let our emotion does for us without being ready to get the consequence, finally we only get something worse than what we imagine, our duty as human being is how not to let our ego dominating the situation, that's challenge and also the difficult choice, do you know why I say such thing ego is trying to crush our peace, besides that, life doesn't want us to get something dangerous when we follow ego, the fact: life knows better than what we know, we shouldn't dictate our lives to do something we want, if we let our ego to do that in the past, our lives would have been perished long time ago before at present time, the main reason why we need to destroy our ego because ego will kill our potential if we just keep silent or we follow it, sometimes we need to train ourselves to kill our ego in order to cut avoid the side effect from cognitive bias, if our ego dominating us, as impact, we will get destroyed by reality, here is the first strategy how to eliminate the cognitive bias; stop satisfying our ego and start appreciating what we receive from life even though we dislike it, it needs contemplating to do that because ego always wants more and more, here is the second strategy how to eliminate the cognitive bias; Stop resisting what life demands us to do, if we use our logic to debate about what life demands, as impact, we always get something disappointed rather than receive something relieved, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.