Getting my confidence back

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Getting my confidence back", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people lose self-confidence when they can't adapt with the new circumstances or when they meet with new problem they haven't ever done that, if you ask me why people's confidence doesn't work when it meets with new situation because their confidence works in the current situation, as we know that in every second life will offer new situation which has potential to make people shocked, as long as people put their confidence to the comfort zone, their confidence will be futile, remember: we should not convince us that our confidence always works in every situation since life will not run in the same track as ever, as human being, we aren't authorized to change reality, life will not compromise about our decision, here is the fact: life will not give us a time to reject the situation we are getting into it, our duty as human being is adapt with the situation or we accept the situation without protesting it, maybe it sounds cruel, but if we don't adapt with the situation, we will be crushed by the situation we are getting into it, based on my research; life is not talking about what we want or what we hope, life really doesn't damn care at all about us, what life demands is we bring our life mission to the future, if we don't create our life mission, as impact, life will bring more severe pain and painful program to us, the only thing we can do how to get our confidence back is take some information from the situation we are getting into it and we use the information to create an exit strategy, what's exit strategy is the way of troubleshooting people's problem and offering the blueprint to increase people's awareness value, if there is no exit strategy offering, there's no confidence.

  At this moment I would like to share some strategies how to get confidence back, hopefully these strategies will contribute something worthy to you, here is the first strategy how to get our confidence back; keep disciplining to something we can do, the reason why applying discipline is very important because it can optimize human's mindset and potential, if there's no discipline, there's no hard work, if there's no hard work, there is no confidence, based on research, many successful people apply discipline in any major to get confidence back on the right track, here is the second strategy how to get confidence back; keep solving the problem we love, what I mean is we commit to solve problem by choosing the problem which may disturb our focus or other people's life, it is not simple plan, based on research, there's nothing method can increase our confidence level except we strengthen our capability by embracing the adversity or something that we think we don't need to do it immediately,  now this strategy depends on the individual person's intention, here is the third strategy how to get confidence back; we leave a good legacy for others, it means, we share a kindness to the world as capable as we can and let the world owes kindness to us,  I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.