Depersonalization disorder

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome to my article, today I would like to share about the topic "Depersonalization disorder", the main reason why I choose that topic because there is kind of mental disorder where it attacks human's mindset, it's called depersonalization disorder, if you ask me what's going on someone who gets depersonalization disorder, the first symptoms for person who gets depersonalization disorder is he feels agonized by his own mind, meaning, he doesn't recognize about his own characteristics because he is used to impersonate other people's common behavior, e.g. eating style, speaking style, what most people believe, what most people pursue, follow the masses, the second symptoms for person who gets depersonalization disorder is he feels coming out from his own body, the main reason why someone feels such thing because he imagines that he already passed away, besides that, his residual bad memory from the past came up again today, the third symptoms for person who gets depersonalization disorder is he gets delusion of persecutory, meaning, he believes that his bad situation has haunted to his life and also he believes what he can do can kill himself at any time, here are the side effects from delusion of persecutory; someone feels as if he is being followed by other people, someone feels as if he is being mistreated by someone else, someone feels as if there's no single person can be trustworthy, the fourth symptoms for person who gets depersonalization disorder is he can't recognize his truly characters, the main cause why people can't recognize his truly characters because his awareness power has faded, beware of losing the awareness level because it can influence the quality of what someone is thinking, if someone wants to prolong their awareness power, he must not dwell in his past memory, he must create a dream or target to optimize his enthusiasm, if there's no enthusiasm, his life will be worthless.

  Starting from now, we shouldn't allow ourselves to impersonate other people's life if we want to create the future, remember this note; future will create our lives when we give a good contribution to others, It sounds simple to do, but it's contrary, very difficult, do you know why I say such thing because giving a good contribution to others needs sincere intention, vast knowledge, empathy, troubleshooting skill, as we know that not all kind of contribution can be given to anyone else, sometimes we need to select which contribution should be used or which contribution should not be used, if contribution has  no value, as impact, there's no improvement, if all people are obligated to bring the contribution to the undefined circumstances, as impact, they would be disappointed about result, now here is the question "what will happen if people you love would get depersonalization disorder?", It's difficult to answer, but let me give you the example of therapy, 1. Applying the Barok tune, it belongs to classical music, the reason why I recommend this kind of music as self-healing therapy because Barok music doesn't offer sensational feeling, instead, it offers relaxation, based on research "music can give the influence power, if people often listen music which lies sensational feeling, as impact, people will not get something wondrous or feel relaxed", 2. Do the physical exercise every day, the main reason why I recommend such thing because it can increase internal body's metabolism, if body is strong enough, the feeling of depersonalization would disappear immediately, 3. Consulting with psychologist, If someone who gets depersonalization disorder, he will get psychotherapy which is given by psychologist, besides that, psychologist will do cognitive behavioral therapy by giving some new habit program to reduce the depersonalization disorder's effects, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.