Activities to increase self esteem


  hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Activities to increase self-esteem", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are trapped in the activities which can't offer a sense of high self-esteem, in order to outsmart this issue, people must know what they pursue and what they focus in self-control, as long as people don't know what they pursue and don't know what they focus, as impact, people will always get a desperate zone even though they are surrounded by high productive people, "as normal human being, we will never know what our destiny says to us, but our primary job is seeking the information which has connected with what our destiny calls to us", by the way, that statement reminds me with the wise words from Japan, it says "don't seek outside of yourself because everything you need has been embedded by God in you", it's very clear right, we don't need to find what makes us pleasure, what our soul needs is the problem which connected with our privilege, if our privilege can't give us a Lense of understanding to our lives, meaning, we put our name in the wrong direction, what I mean about the wrong direction is like promiscuity, illegal drugs, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, free sex, etc. Those activities can't offer high self-esteem to you, instead of giving you a misleading path of life, remember this: our self-esteem will expand when we put ourselves in the discomfort zone, not in the dangerous zone or comfort zone, discomfort zone is the place where it can help us to expand our awareness and explore our creativity, whereas, comfort zone or dangerous zone is the place where it offers instant pleasure, regret and delusional, what we need to build our self-esteem is work on our enthusiasm, find a problem which is connected with our privileges and sincerity to accept what unprofitable thing to us.

   We will never know when our struggle will be valued by God, our duty is making what our privilege works on our lives, if we feel something that means to us while we are doing it, meaning, we are on the right track, that's how to build a high self-esteem, at this moment I would like to share some activities which can increase our self-esteem, here is the first activity which can increase our self-esteem is reading the book, it may become an ordinary message to common people, but my reasoning is not making you to read book you like, but read a book where it can touch the problem you want to solve, if you just read book you are interested only, you can't make something good will happen, remember; having a knowledge is not bringing something you deserve until you apply what you observe into the journey you take, hopefully you can understand what I mean, here is the second activity which can increase our self-esteem is consulting with the mentor or someone whom we know about his competent skill, this part is not easy to do because not everyone we know is going to do something worthy for us, this is big challenge, if we can't make someone we know is going to work with us, at least we can offer something which can interest to someone we know, here is the third activity which can increase our self-esteem is doing the research, it means, we seek the information where it is connected with people's interest and people's habit, if we can know people's habit and people's interest, our services will be needed very much by other people, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.