Ways to feel confident


   Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Ways to feel confident", the main reason why I choose that topic because many young people feel not confident, based on psychological research "feel confident is not the same as feel arrogant", feel confident means there is nobody will be able to question your skill or nobody will look down on you, whereas, feel arrogant means, you consider yourself is more important than others, if we really want to do something good, the first trial is you do something not because of your expectation, if you learn something that makes you enthusiastic, so you keep going it even though there may seem unprofitable for you, remember this; your confidence will not lies in what's profit or unprofitable thingdon't try to judge whether there is profit or unprofitable in what you are trying because there is nobody will know what will happen after you try something, your job as human being is you do something within 24 hours and wait until you receive the feedback after 24 hours, if you feel better after you receive the feedback, meaning, you do something good for yourself, if you think something exceeding 24 hours, you will feel not confident because you stretches your focus into several parts, the key how to feel confident is focus on what you can and explore what you want to know, if you feel enlightened and excited in what you try, meaning, you do something right, if we just apply what we know only, we only build self-ego, if we keep exploring what we don't know yet, we indirectly build self-confident.

  Your confident will not benefit you if you just use it to impress other people, your confident will benefit you if you keep challenging yourself to do something new even though it is scarier or unprofitable for you, the main reason why many people don't feel confident because they lack of trial and they always consider the profit is more important action, it is not true, if we review a bit regarding the natural law, it never says "you will benefit yourself if you do something in the same day" instead the natural law says, "you will not get any profit at all even though you do something extra in the same day", that's natural process, as we know that there is no single person can reject the natural process, what we can do is we survive with the natural process or we are crushed by the natural process, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to feel confident, here is the first strategy to feel confident; don't try to kid yourself, meaning, you must be truthful about what you can do and what you can't do, that's integrity, if you break the integrity rule, you will lose your self-worth automatically, remember this advice; there is no single person will feel confident by saying a lie to anyone elsehere is the second strategy to feel confident; don't pursue profit, instead of you pursue the skill, even though you don't get profit from the skill at the first time, it doesn't mean the skill will ruin your life, let me explain it in real life, now imagine that you will plant the orange fruit seeds in the ground, after you plant it, do you think you can eat the fruit at the same day, sometimes you must feel painful at the first journey until the pain will become your identity, you are considered to be a confident person if you can pass the obstacle that leaves you scared about it, as long as your skill is above the problem, your skill will makes you confident, remember this note; money and authority can't make you confident because both of them are part of the tool, what makes you confident is the way you use a tool properly and effectivelyI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.