Understanding self esteem


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Understanding self-esteem", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people know how to optimize their self-esteem for better purpose, if you ask me why many people can't optimize their self-esteem because they lack of having specific purpose, lack of good intention and lack of curiosity, based on psychological research; self-esteem equals with self-awareness towards vulnerability, meaning, if we want to understand our self-esteem, we must keep exploring what we don't know and doing something excited, besides that, we must stay low key to receive a new challenge from future, if we reject to receive a new challenge, as impact, we will receive miserable life as consequence, remember; before we reject reality, we must visualize what we want to achieve, if we lack of willingness to achieve something crucial, we will lose our self-esteem, if we see reality now, many people lose self-esteem because they sell their expectations to people who can give a guarantee, in fact, we don't need a guarantee from human's guarantee because nobody knows about future, don't let your mind getting trapped with someone who gives a guarantee, the more we believe about guarantee, the more we lose our self-esteem, the most important factor how to understand our self-esteem is stop trying to believe about a guarantee, starting from now, don't let unknown circumstances will raise your fear, focus on how you achieve something crucial is better than waiting a guarantee from many people's help life would be hard for you if you believe it is hard for you, life would be easier if you stay discipline with your specialty, that's all, the reasonable reason why you can get a easier life because the pain that you can endure beyond your expectation, hopefully you can apply this strategy if you are really serious how to grow your self-esteem.

   Now only you can understand your self-esteem and only you can give the price for your self-esteem, if you just do something easier every day and the goal you pursue having the lack of inspirations, as impact, your self-esteem will lose its price, now I have question for you, "how much time do you want to sacrifice if you have 24 hours for unlocking new skill?" If you just take 2 hours per day to determine your self-esteem, the skill will betray you because you lack of committed to sacrifice your time, I have ever shared that every human self-esteem is determined by how tough they're trying during facing the uncertainty, if human just do something in certainly project, they will not get something which can make them amazed, here is my opinion; train your self-esteem as the same as you lift the barbell weight for your muscles, if your skill is strong enough to face uncertainty, your self-esteem will do something more than you usually do, starting from now, I would like to share some strategies how to understand your self-esteem, here is the first strategy how to understand your esteem; Don't try to finish a multitasking job at the same time, do you know why? Because a multitasking job will diversify your focus, if you lose the momentum, your focus will not work properly, your quality of focus will determine the impact of job you take, if you spread your focus into several tasks, as impact, you will lose your energy faster than you realize it, here is the second strategy how to understand your esteem; stop trying so hard to be something you aren't, meaning, don't overpressure your focus when you realize that you aren't happy with what you do, you must pursue a skill that fits with your privilege, if you work because of vocation waits you, so give in your utmost energy as if there were no time will restrict youI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.