Things to do to boost self esteem


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Things to do to boost self esteem", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can boost their self-esteem, if you ask me why not everyone is unable to do something for their self-esteem because they don't have a good purpose as the direction, as we know together that life is uncontrollable, unpredictable, and mysterious, if we don't give our life with good direction, we will never know how to be valuable person in the future, before life will reward us with self-esteem, we must pay the price by solving the problem which may impact to other people's lives, remember; self-esteem will be worthless if we don't have anything to offer, there are only three things we can offer to other people; 1. knowledge, 2. credibility, 3. integrity, those are requirements how to boost self-esteem, if you can't fulfill the requirements above mentioned, as impact, your self-esteem will be worthless, if you don't have the high price in your self-esteem, as impact, your confident level will lose its strength, remember; self-esteem will have no effect to our future if we don't get the power from other people whom give us the credit, here is the natural law which may help us to ponder; the more we get trusted, the more we receive high self-esteem, the real power lies in other people's trust, not lies in our skill, if we train ourselves to solve other people's problem, other people will give us a trust and finally we can receive self-esteem. 

  Starting from now, please don't just spend your time to entertain yourself or you play around in somewhere place without purpose, if you just use your life without purpose, our lives will be meaningless, maybe you may hear the wise word; "power is meaningless without self-control", meaning, if we don't have self-control, we will never be able to sustain power, self-control itself comes from self-awareness towards what we aren't capable of, basically self-awareness can't be gotten if we stop practicing what we have done recently, if we don't want to lose our momentum, we need to surpass our limit until other people will recognize our self-esteem, that's the high price we are going to pay, remember; we can boost our self-esteem if we invest our time to hone our trouble shooting skill, in addition, we can challenge ourselves to increase our frequency of productivity, it seems difficult, but if we can do it, other people will never be able to catch our skill, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to get self-esteem from other people, here is the first thing we must do if we want to get self-esteem from other people; we offer more benefit to others than what we receive, meaning, we prioritize other people's benefit rather than prioritize our benefit, as long as we are capable of doing something more than other people's expectation, as impact, other people will give us the credit, the more we receive the credit from other people, the more value we receive from it, here is the second thing we must do if we want to get self-esteem from other people; we buy a problem from other people, meaning, we do some research about the problem which may impact to other people's lives, the more we problem we solve, the more we increase our self-esteemI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.