Self esteem goals


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share the topic "Self esteem goals", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone understands the importance of self esteem, based on psychological research "people will never get self esteem if they don't tie it with good purpose", meaning, people must direct their self esteem to the good purpose, if there is no good purpose, it is impossible for people to develop their skill for no reason, determine a good purpose is not easy to do because we must conquer our unproductive habit first, as long as we don't conquer our unproductive habit, it is impossible for us to do something unusual, remember this advice; goal is the only way how to determine who we are and what we are capable of, if we just do something ordinary in our daily activity, meaning, we decide to build unproductive habit, that's the natural law, in order to survive, we must have a clear goal which can drive us to the new place where we haven't arrived yet in there, in this point I would like to remind you that having a good purpose is not the same as doing something as you likethe meaning of having a good purpose is you don't pursue people, stuff or favorite place, instead you just pursue a skill that you want to combine with the problem you want to solve, it is not easy to optimize self esteem because every single day we must buy a problem which impacts to human's lives and we are challenged to solve that problem with our utmost energy, time and skill.

   The goal of self esteem is to prepare our mentality to endure new pain which came from the problem we faced, the problem can come from the unstable process, unawareness, unpredictable thing, and lack of will to evolve, as we know together that life is unpredictable, mysterious, and uncontrollable, as human being who know nothing about future, we just need to observe what we notice, review what we have done and correct what we missed, building self esteem is not the same as building what we are proud of, building self esteem is preparing our mentality to face something we fear, whereas, building what we are proud of is like behaving being arrogant or cocky person, if we do something for making others impressed, meaning, we build an arrogant character, if we intend to do something big for other people's problem by combining it with our skill, meaning, we build self esteem, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to create a goal for making self esteem, here is the first thing you must prepare if you want to create a goal for your self esteem; you have to know the impact of problem, if you don't know about the impact of problem you want to solve, I am sure you will stop doing something crucial once you drag yourself too far to the serious problem, here is the second thing you must prepare if you want to create a goal for your self esteem; research what other people search, meaning, you do something in advance before other people realize what you do, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.