Quality time love language examples

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Quality time love language examples", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone comprehends about quality time as lobe language, in this section I would like to let you know about the principle of quality time, here is the principle about quality time you need to know, investing the quality time is about gathering new information about people whom we admire and also we try to access people's daily activity until others will let us know more about their life experience, if you are trapped in this kind of love language, you aren't allowed to judge what others do in their activity even though you dislike it, if you know other people's love language such quality time, meaning, you must collect information regarding the favorite topic they like to do or where people most spend their time, this is new challenge if you really want to apply this strategy in your relationship, many people fail to apply this strategy because they need to have huge curiosity to disclose the information about the private life of what others usually do and unfortunately not all people will disclose about their private life to us, here is my suggestion; we must let other people know our big reason first before we ask something related with other people's private life, quality time is not only making people's circle getting strong, but also to build a power.


    The main reason why not everyone will share their quality time to others because it is very private thing and also we must build a similarity purpose and a trust with people whom we admire if we want to create quality time, we can't create quality time by selling our product to people only, we must build something which can connect between other people's problem and our good service, if the problem only can be done by our uniqueness, it could be a good value  for long period of time, now our duty is not making people to believe us, but how to let others can access our uniqueness, we can't do something better if we just expect other people's influence, as long as we just live in people's shadows, we will become a slave for everlasting, here is the first thing how to build quality time with others: we must sell our personality to others, meaning, we will let others to approach us, if we keep doing it, as impact others will give their sense of trust to us, having good personality can become a good asset for making quality time with people whom we admire, here is the second thing how to build quality time with others: we don't pursue other people's life story, but we pursue other people's problem, now imagine if many problems can be solved by our inborn skill, others will offer their quality time to us, the more problem we can solve, the more people will notice us because we already take their attention, remember this: other people's attention is part of strategy how to create new currency and self-confidence, here is the third strategy how to build quality time to others: we must build our confidence level by raising our standard, meaning, we must know our capability and also we must know how to build about our enthusiasm, that's it, enthusiasm is like the fuel for our soul, if we can't recognize our enthusiasm, we can't raise our standard, if we can't raise our standard, as impact, we can't make quality time with people whom we admire, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.