Promoting self esteem


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Promoting self-esteem", the main reason why I choose that topic many people are tortured by their self-esteem, if you ask me why many people are tortured by their self-esteem because they misuse their self-esteem to pursue something benefit to them without considering the risk which can damage other people's reputation, if we see reality, many leaders and bosses try to misuse their leadership just because want to control their subordinate team, it is not kind of self-esteem, if people really want to promote their self-esteem, they must prioritize what benefits to their colleagues first, remember; what we give to others will determine the quality of self-esteem we will receive, we can't reject the poor quality of self-esteem if we try to behave like a bad person in the eye of our team, we aren't alive if we just do something harm to others, the only way how to keep alive is you do something which can benefit others as well as it can leave a sense of happiness to you, even though you can't change reality, but you can change your quality level of self-esteem, many people think self-esteem is determined by how much pleasure you get, it is not quite true, do you know why I say such thing because self-esteem is not the same with pleasure, based on psychological research; self-esteem is determined by the skill that you combine with problem you solve, whereas, pleasure is determined by human's unclear wants, here is my suggestion; if people want to prolong their self-esteem, they must know their self-esteem is supposed to be used for what purpose, if they can't answer that statement, meaning, people don't have intention to bring a new light of understanding for a better life. 

  For making a better life, there are 3 ways how to promote your self-esteem, hopefully these strategies can help you to access a new understanding, here is number 1. discipline, meaning, you just need to get out from the majority of people's habit and try to focus how to develop a skill through solving the problem you can solve, remember; you can't access a new skill if you don't discipline yourself to solve the problem you choose, basically discipline the bridge between your vision and reality, here is number 2. repetition, meaning, you must continuously do what you can do even though it is little bit difficult, in my opinion; do the repetition is very hard for everyone because they need to break their old mindset and they must accept new information by doing something new, applying discipline is not enough to gain your self-esteem, so you need to apply the repetition in order to create higher momentum, remember this; applying the repetition process is like applying a new standard to be applied into your subconscious mind, if you have finished your problem solving, you can repeat this regular pattern by solving new problem until you are no longer being controlled by your wild expectation, here is the good news; if you are no longer being controlled by wild expectation, your self-esteem will be converted into true happiness, here is number 3. frequency, meaning, you don't feel satisfied easily even though you already finished your job, if you can do something better than you did yesterday, meaning, you pass through your limit, remember this note; human's limit is not limited by human's capacity, but human's will, as long as people are willing to challenge themselves finishing new problem continuously, I am sure human's capacity can't be limited by reality, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.