Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "Open relationship meaning", the main reason why I choose that topic because some people consider open relationship is one way how to welcome a new love from new people, some people consider love can give new energy, it is true because love has no ability to hurt, but ego can hurt anyone else, if you want to make open relationship, please don't ever think how to obtain love from anyone whom you meet because every person has different capacity of their love, you must consider open relationship is the way how to make other people know your character, passion and your masterpiece, remember this; you can't find your character or passion if you just think how to get something beneficial from others more than you can afford, before you create open relationship, you must ensure that you have something benefit to offer / give something without any expectation from it, that's requirement, if you just do something because of your expectation, you will be disappointed by reality before you realize what went wrong, open relationship is type of strategy to welcome new people whom you don't know yet and how to let others access your strength, not the way around, the most important factor you need to prepare in open relationship is having the power of influence, meaning, you don't know a lot of people around there, but in the other hand a lot of people recognize you.
If you don't have any strength, you shouldn't need to create a open relationship because people will not act anything until your influence has touched their emotional pain, meaning, your influence has an antidote to heal people's emotional need, remember this; open relationship is like open new business, you need to find the crucial thing which can touch human's emotional need, here is the first strategy you need to prepare before you create an open relationship; you have to ensure your influence can touch people's emotional need, as if people would feel something terrible is happening if they don't choose your influence right now, that's the most crucial factor how to move human's emotional pain to your open relationship, if other people still argue or doubt about your open relationship, meaning, you haven't succeeded to build your strength, here is the second strategy you need to prepare before you create an open relationship; you must monitor what most people concern, after that, you provide something to the subject where most people concern about it, maybe your troubleshooting skill, your invention, and your care, if people put their concern about you, you must repeat the process until they will not take their eyes off towards your strength, as if people would feel loss if people don't choose you right now, here is the last note; don't pursue people, stuff or place because they don't have any place in your absolute world, what you need right now lies in the environment you have owned, chase new ability until other people will give you something where it can't be paid by the money, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.