Love language meaning


   Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Love language meaning", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone understands about love language, as we know that there are five love languages, here is the first love language, we can call it as the physical touch, meaning, every couple must use the physical touch to their couple every time they meet each other, e.g. kissing, hugging, clasping, basically not every couple needs physical touch as their main love language, it depends on type of person, if your life partner doesn't ask you to do physical touch frequently in mutual relationship, meaning, your life partner's love language is not physical touch, here is the second love language, we can call it as the word of affirmation, meaning, your communication skill will be needed by your life partner although you don't need it as urgently case, the word of affirmation is the skill of charming your life partner by saying the word where it is wanted to be heard or expected by your partner, if you can't master this skill, your partner will lose something significant from your side, you need to find out the information which is needed by your life partner if you want to prolong the relationship, it is not easy to master this skill because you need to enrich your knowledge from the book or other people's experience, I just to warn you that not all people will need the word of affirmation as their love language, so you need to monitor your partner's love language.

  Here is the third love language, we can call it as the gift, meaning, your partner will give her sense of love to you when you spend your money to buy a gift which is needed by your partner, if you can't afford the gift as your partner expected, as impact, your partner will lose something significant from you, please beware about this love language, if you feel burdened with this kind of love language, you only have two option; the first option: you negotiate with your partner regarding the gift's price, the second option; you provide the gift as you are capable of itHere is the fourth love language, we can call it as the quality time, meaning, you must give your valuable time to fulfill your partner's emotional need, maybe your partner will ask you to accompany her by going to her favorite place, if you are trapped in this kind of love language, you just need to go where your partner demands of you, so you have no choice unless you must fulfill it, although you have no money to fulfill your partner's demand, at least you accompany her wherever she wants to go, Here is the fifth love language, we can call it as the act of service, meaning,  you must have an initiative action by giving your partner with your skillset or you lend a hand to your partner when you observe your partner having an emotional weary, if you are trapped in this kind of love language, all you need to do is strengthen your physical strength because it is the basic requirement to pass through this kind of love language, if you fail to pass this love language, your partner will lose something significant from you, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.