Love language examples

   Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Love language examples", the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples still don't know how to recognize love language examples, based on the psychological research; people who don't know about their partner's love language, they tend to mess around within their relationship and their behavior can't reflect to what their partner needs emotionally, remember; doing something without confirming to other people's need, it will induce chaos or dispute, that's why we need to recognize love language from our partner, for example; your partner's love language is the act of service, if you are trapped in such relationship, what you can do is not providing everything you want for your partner, instead, you fulfill what your partner needs, I just want to remind you that the act of service is not like a slave's living, but rather you give your attention, strength, knowledge, loyal, time and focus when your partner needs something that only can be done by you, not others, if you live such a slave, meaning, you have no value at all in front of your partner, remember; giving the act of service to your partner can't be delegated by other people whom you trust, so you must do it by yourself, that's method how to build a longevity relationship, if you can't provide something for your partner's need, at least, you can tell your limitation to your partner immediately, here is the good news; if you disclose your limitation to your partner and your partner keeps it secret from others, meaning, your partner only trusts to you, now the second love language is gift, if you are trapped in this kind of love language, meaning, your partner only respects you when you provide a gift which can interest her/ him.

  Starting from now, you must reflect to what you can do before your partner will give a love language to you, during making relationship, you must build your mental strength with your own version because you are responsible to your own happiness, before you care your partner's condition, you must build a mental strength for your life, meaning, you challenge your limitation to do something where your partner can't provide for you, if you succeed to conquer your limitation, your partner will give you love language examples unhesitatingly because your partner indirectly receives the impact from your capacity improvement, please don't underestimate your own capacity because only you can provide it, you can't build your strength if you expect your partner's help, remember; your partner will not give you a love language when you just think about your own satisfaction and stop growing your uniqueness, the key to grow your love is paying attention to your own progress, you must prolong your purpose if you want to grow your love, without a purpose, love will die by itself, here is the special note; when you just do the same activity over and over again without doing something you are curious about, as impact, your sense of love will lose its power, finally it will bring a bad impact to your partner's emotional need, you must be a hero for your own life if you want to save lovely people around you, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.