If you love something let it go

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "If you love something let it go", the main reason why I choose that topic not everyone is capable of letting go their sense of love when they are caught with something they consider it as healing, even though everyone needs love, they must let it go, do you know why I say such thing because we aren't authorized to own something that we aren't supposed to be a love creator, if we just keep a sense of love only, we will become a obsessed person or being a lout, remember this; love is energy, we can't create love neither we can destroy it, our job as human being is we try at something, we observe at something, we fail at something, we review at something until we feel inspired to do, if we are inspired by something good, meaning, we love to do something good, even though we don't know whether we are ready enough or not to receive what we love, we must keep our mind to be fitted with our heart, if our mind and heart are sticking together in one direction we set, energy will flow in what we focus, when energy we feel can leave a peace, meaning, we are in the right track, then we should continue the learning process and we let go of the result to divine's timing, remember; love will work in our life when we already let it go, meaning, our duty is not pushing love to follow what we desire, but we let love works by itself naturally, if we push love to follow what we desire, as impact, love will let us feel brokenhearted.

  Let me give the illustration about love, we have the mango fruit seed, we have one month's plan to sow the mango fruit seed in the ground, all we can do as human is we sow the mango fruit seed, then we cultivate it with the fertilizer, we water it, then we let the fruit seed grows by itself, that's the natural law, as human being who know nothing about the mysterious of life, we should let go of what we can't do, the reason why we must let go of the process because it is beyond of human's capacity, here is the good news; if we just let love works by itself, we will never feel worried, anxiety, feared, depressed or inadequate, love just wants us to do what human can do, maybe we donate some bloods to the patient, we solve many problems which impacts to mankind's lives, we contribute to fix the security system in the computer, we teach people how to live well, if we can't do all of them by ourselves, at least we can share something beneficial to others, love is not always about sharing, but also spreading good intention, faith, solution, kindness, attention, and peace, remember; love will never betray our work as long as we have good intention to do it, only ego can hurt our feeling, in order to crush ego, we must challenge ourselves to do something we have never done, or we will test our limitation by doing something which can attract an extreme unpleasant feeling, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.