Forever puppy love


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "Forever puppy love", the main reason why I choose that topic because many young people are trapped in puppy love, they feel puppy love is better than true love, the main problem why most young people are trapped in puppy love because they put their sense of love after someone's needs, unfortunately, some of them let it happens without trying to review why they must enter into a puppy love, from psychological evaluation: people who aren't ready to taste the consequence of getting trapped into puppy love, they let their true identity to be crushed by their own sense of love, as impact, their logic will not work optimally because what they prioritize so far is "how to get benefit from pleasure", remember this : what we need is not "how to get benefit from pleasure", but "how to put a sense of pleasure to someone's needs after you optimize your love into yourself", if you let a puppy love comes to your life without preparing your own feeling to get crushed, your habit will be controlled by someone else's emotional problem,  I know life is not easy, but we can't let others to fully control our feeling easily, we are not robotic machine, as long as we prioritize other people's need before ours, we will become other people's story, in order to avoid a puppy love's trap, we must live in our own version, that's what life wants from us, the more we try to copy what most people do, we will lose our opportunity to shape true identity, the less we try to copy what most people do, the more probability we find our true identity, here is the good news: if we find our true identity, we will not get trapped in puppy love, now your decision is waiting your mental preparation, if you want to develop your mental strength, find activity which can connect between your enthusiasm and purpose, then you use the power of love to share something useful for others, if you focus on what develops your mental strength, a puppy love will not mesmerize you when you share your sense of love through your service and you let others to access your strength, here is the dangerous thing; if you lack of focus how to develop your mental strength, as result, you will become a puppy love's slave and you undeliberate following what a puppy love wants, finally you will not have a worthy life.

  Now or later you are definitely being tested by uncertainty and pain, before you feel something you aren't meant to be, you must create your own life version because only you can save your future, we can't avoid pain as long as we live on earth, what we do is not avoiding a puppy love, but how we teach ourselves with real love which came from our family, tradition or religion, if the family tradition's love only limits our curiosity towards love, meaning, we are trapped to become a hater, please don't be like that, so as the next generation, we should give enough respect and love to our family even though we don't like them, the best way how to save your future is you create your own service and you let others access your strength and gain your kindness, the more others access your masterpiece, the more you receive kindness as well, that's the natural law that you can't deny it, is the same thing with love, true love will manifest in your real life when you don't pursue what others expect the way from you, now imagine that everyone has different way of thinking about you, do you think that you can handle all of them?, puppy love only happens when we don't prioritize by loving our own version, the way you love yourself must be higher than the way you love others because you only have a limited space, if you prioritize by loving others first, you will lose your true love, if you appreciate what you receive from life, you appreciate what God grants to you, here is the last note: the purpose of puppy love is teaching you how to trust yourself more than you trust other's love, the difference between true love and a puppy love: true love is always giving more, caring more and bring more, whereas, puppy love is receiving more only, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.