Depression and confidence


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Depression and confidence", the main reason why I choose that topic because some people can't optimize their confidence when they meet with something they don't want to know, on the other hand, people who lack of commitment to what they do, they tend to behave like depressed person, In order to save this kind of depressed person, we must find his enthusiasm and we can give what he needs to develop his enthusiasm, such as giving him a new book, giving him a online course to make his enthusiasm really works, or we can invite him to go into nature reserve in order to let him to find inspiration, do you know that confidence and depression have the same journey but it lies into different direction, meaning, if you lack of committed into something that you consider as important thing, you will lose your strength and you will be trapped into desperate zone, please don't let your guard off because there's nothing gap between your future and your past, starting from now; you must ensure the career you choose suits with your enthusiasm because your enthusiasm is like the core of your spirit, please don't let yourself enchanted with the amount of money when you choose the career, if you just focus on money, as impact, you indirectly get rid of your great enthusiasm, now I have question for you, "what will happen if you work at your working place without utilizing enthusiasm?, You will be nothing great, instead you will lose your confidence and also you will create chaos at your working place, here is the first strategy how to maximize your confidence; you must explore the market demand first and then you train your enthusiasm to explore problem which is needed with the market demand, as long as you don't work on your enthusiasm, your creativity is gone, that's the law.

  Here is the second strategy how to maximize your confidence; you just need to focus on what you can do now, not to think how you can finish later, the reason why you must focus on what you can do because your time will do something that you can't do, if you focus on later moment, you will lose the momentum of your power now, here is the third strategy how to  maximize your confidence; find a problem which suits with your enthusiasm, the reason why you need to try this strategy because your enthusiasm can't stand alone without tangling with problem, your decision will shape the power and your power can't be worked when it is no used to solve problem, now your power waits your commitment, when you don't combine between your power and enthusiasm, as impact, reality will control your circumstances and you will become what you have always been doing, your choice is very crucial, if you aren't ready to choose what you become in the future, the circumstances will interfere what you do,  now you have option; you keep progressing your action or you keep waiting someone else to empower you, here is the last note: if you don't exceed beyond what you have always been doing, as impact, reality will force you to choose reality, here is the fourth strategy how to maximize your confidence; you must enrich your knowledge more often than you act, do you know why you must enrich your knowledge more than you act because your act will represent your knowledge, if you lack of knowledge, your act will endanger you, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.