Building self belief


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Building self-belief", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone understand about the benefit of self-belief, many people too believe with other people think rather than to believe about what they do right now, if you ask me why people feel anxiety when they meet with something which can make them shocked because they don't build self-belief, based on psychological research; people who lack of self-belief, they tend to do something which can make them easier to do instantly, if we use different perception; build self-belief is like planting the fruit seed in the ground, meaning, the process we take to do in that activity is so naturally and it takes a lot of time, now I understand why many people don't want to do something naturally because they disrespect about the natural law, instead of they respect about the instant process, that's the main root of problem which happens to human's life, here is the fact; all activities which are done by human can't tie off from the natural law, if people try to break the natural law, as impact, they only get the unnecessary pain, e.g. anxiety, unknown fear and depression, now you have an option; you survive with the natural law or you are crushed by the natural law, life is not something we can proceed as we like to do, life is about giving a response, what we respond to life will determine who we are and what we are capable of, if we just want to fasten the process, we indirectly break the process, in order to secure our future life, we must understand about what we build within ourselves and we are ready to accept the consequence as well.

  Now you can't choose the type of your life until you build something in yourself, it takes long time process if we want to build self-belief, the reason why we must undergo long time process because there is nothing we can do when we use human's capacity and we are also restricted by time, our duty as human being is develop our capacity by doing more than we usually do, remember; only our capacity can determine who we are, even though we made tons of mistakes in the past, every mistake couldn't define our personal strength, life is about the race between our vision and our action, if we just act without vision, we will create something dangerous for our lives, if we just visualize without action, we will create daydreaming, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to build self-belief, here is the first strategy you need to do if you want to build self-belief; you don't leave something what makes you worried, meaning, you must achieve what you target in short period time, if you already achieve something you are proud with it, you try to do something new, here is the truth; the more we start what we can right now, the more we build self-belief, the more we postpone what we can right now, the more we crush our self-beliefhere is the second strategy you need to do if you want to build self-belief; you act more than you think, meaning, you just continue what you can even though your mind is fueled with anxiety or the chaotic mind, here is the third strategy you need to do if you want to build self-belief; you don't fear about the failure, instead of you consider failure is a test to your faith, so all you can do right now is not thinking, but try to measure your progress, if you just think something you never started yet, as impact, you just magnify your fear towards failure, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.