Breaking up with someone you love


   Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Breaking up with someone you love", the main reason why I choose that topic because many young couples are trapped in toxic relationship and they don't know how to break up with someone whom they consider to be perfect partner, if you ask me why there are many couples don't know how to break up with someone they love because they are afraid to get bullied by their family, friends, distant relatives or comrades, besides that, many couples don't have enough strong reason to admit their own mistake during making judgment to end relationship, the are many factors why many couples choose to break up with someone they love, 1. the communication class is different from each other, 2. the standard of characteristic from each other is no match, 3. the standard of life purpose from each other can't be tolerated, 4. the social circle from each other is no match, 5. religion is different, from five factors above mentioned, I have question to you, now can you guess which one of those factors has potential to end relationship, the answer is number 2 (the standard of characteristic) because it refers to DNA (deoxyribo nucleic acid), based on the psychological research; the different of communication class, the standard of life purpose, the social circle from every couple can be tolerated and can be compromised as well, do you know why? because there is always uniqueness which is produced from the different class in communication, different life purpose and different social circle, in my opinion; the different standard of characteristic / DNA and different religion are the most crucial factor which are not easily to be converged in human's relationship.

  Maybe you will ask me why different characteristic/ DNA and different religion are not easily to be converged because they have core sense of belief, if they are compelled to be united together, as impact, both are destroyed in separated way, starting from now; if you really love someone, you must check whether they are willing to accept the whole of yourself when you have nothing to offer to your life partner, that's important thing, man and woman are having different perception related with relationship, woman's feeling will be tested whether she would be loyal or not when her couple has nothing physical wealth, whereas, man's feeling will be tested whether he would be loyal or not when his couple is richer and more prosperous, so before you break the relationship with someone you love, you have to ensure you have sacrificed your attention, time, energy and empathy to your partner and also you have to ensure you can understand your couple's love language, if you can understand your partner's love language, it is impossible your couple will choose to end relationship with you, if you can do something more than what your couple does, I am sure your couple will not betray your love or question your loyalty because you build something which is being needed by your couple, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.