Best way to gain confidence


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Best way to gain confidence" the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people get benefit from their confidence, if you ask me why not many people get benefit from their confidence because they are too satisfied easily with the result and they aren't interested to explore their curiosity towards the problem they want to solve, based on my experience; people's skill will not increase when they don't try to do something new or they don't share their experience to others, if people don't do such thing, they definitely lose the price of self-confidence, remember; confidence is like the money changer, in order to get a new currency, you have to sell your competent troubleshooting, besides that, you can use your curiosity to find new problem which is matched with your strength, selling your competency is not always waiting to get paid, the most important thing you need to do; you don't stop practicing your interest to work together with your privilege, meaning, you enjoy with the process even though you don't get result as you expect it, gain confidence can't be built in several days, it needs longer time at least 1 year or 2 years, starting from now, don't limit yourself to take challenge, if you limit yourself, new challenge will limit your opportunity, finally you will lose your confidence, as long as what you do can't harm something you can, you continue it, there's another thing that can make people lose confidence is lack of discipline, the reason why many people hate with discipline because it creates new unpleasant experience in the adaptation process, remember this; there is no comfort zone in the learning process and there is no learning in the comfort zone, I think avoid the unpleasant feeling is inevitable, the more we avoid unpleasant feeling, the more we get trapped in comfort zone.

  In my opinion, don't try to avoid the pain as long as you stick together with your enthusiasm, pain is energy, if you hate with pain, how can you solve big problem or you transform into completely different person? Sometimes problem you face can't destroy you, instead of helping you to change your perception or upgrade your inner capacity, if your sense of enthusiasm is bigger than your fear towards the pain, I am really sure that there's no problem that can't be solved, the most important target is sharpening your insight to disclose the mysterious of life, if what you do can direct your skill into insight, you will get new capacity every time you solve problem, it is not easy to deal with problem because many of us prefer to imagine the suffering rather than benefit of problem itself, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to develop your confidence; here is the first way how to build your confidence; discipline your mind, the reason why discipline is very important in your daily basis because you will always get something unexpected rather than what you usually get, if you always get what you usually get, you will be mediocre person, but if you get the pain during learning process, you will get something unexpected, that's guarantee, before you realize something unpleasant, you should realize the power which is waiting you, remember the power lies in your execution, if you can execute your insight into reality, your confidence level will be extraordinary, here is the second way how to improve your confidence; enthusiasm to build your strength over life pressure, the reason why enthusiasm is important because it can give you good feeling or antidote during adapting with life pressure, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.