Arranged marriage


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Arranged marriage", the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples are trapped in arranged marriage until they don't know the reason why they must continue the tradition of arranged marriage, based on psychological research; people who just follow arranged marriage because they just follow the tradition and they aren't capable of choosing their own option, if you ask me why they just follow the tradition because they have pledged to have the conservative mindset and also they consider a tradition they embraced has most significant value than their own principle, based on this topic, I don't mind if people follow the tradition of arranged marriage, but what I concern is people follow the tradition as if they weren't able to follow their own decision, maybe for some people who are getting married with arranged marriage is not mind at all, but if we just let the circumstance controls our ability to make decision, as impact, our future will always being controlled by outer circumstance, e.g. tradition, parents, ideology and environment, remember this; strong guy is not letting the outer circumstance controls his thought, strong guy will make decision without having any sense to regret, here is my suggestion; don't marry with a person who just want to add your happiness only, but rather you complete a person whom you marry with, if you just follow your parent's recommendation without asking your deepest feeling, as impact, you will question your thought and you indirectly strengthen your incapability to make your own decision, marrying someone you loved is good, but marrying your life partner's weaknesses is extremely well.

  Life is good not because you already have perfect life partner, but when you sacrifice your time, energy, and happiness to be given to someone special in your life, as impact, your life is extremely well, you can't receive more when you don't reward yourself by having a life's partner or marriage, here is the fact; the more you give something good to your life's partner, the more you are capable of doing something more than you can think, the reason why you can receive more than you deserve because you spell out the power of love to lovely people around, when you do that, your potential will grow faster than you think, if you want to get stronger every day, you must demand yourself to do something for your life's partner even though you don't expect anything in return, maybe you think you will get a loss when you give something, it is not true, as long as you can give something good more to your life's partner than you have recently, you actually build a new life for your future, if you aren't capable of giving the money, at least you can give your time, your good advice or your food to lovely people around you, good marriage is not lies in what you receive from your life's partner, but how you live in your vulnerability although you are responsible to show your well-behaved and your sense of caring to your life's partner, here is the last note; if you have recommendation from your parents related to your incoming arranged marriage, you have to ensure your principle, your character and your language standard is matched with your upcoming arranged marriage, if it is no matched at all, don't bother to push yourself to receive someone you don't love, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.