Acts of service love language examples


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Acts of service love language examples", the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples can't interpret the act of service as love language, based on psychological research; people who don't recognize themselves, they tend to misinterpret the secret code from what other people want, the problem why many people misinterpret the secret code from what other people want because they aren't interested to interpret other people's business, besides that, they think hacking the secret code is illegal and too privacy, but if we use different perception regarding the act of service, disclosing other people's love language such act of service is not the same with hacking the secret code from other people's business, act of service is like understanding what other people's deepest need in daily basis, such as you give your initiative action to people whom you admire without waiting being asked by people whom you admire, remember; giving your initiative action doesn't mean you expect to receive any return from people whom you admire, giving an initiative action is like giving your power to others as representing about your sense of caring, now imagine if many people give you with the act of service, I am sure once they did it for you because they know that you have done your big achievement, if you want to collect the power from others, you must prove that you have ability to service what other people can't do for you, remember; the purpose of giving the act of service is not forcing others to fulfill your idealism, but how you help other people's live with your idealism. 

  If you want to stay happy with your own version, you must recognize your love language, you must know type of demand you want to program into your own brain, if you just let people program your own brain without your permission, as impact, you only live like a slave, do you think you can create a happy life by doing something which is unable to represent your life? Remember; even though you give your act of service to others, it doesn't mean you will allow others to lose your uniqueness, you mustn't let others to dictate your life until you lose your own uniqueness, what you can do for others is not pleasing everyone else, but rather you combine between your creation and other people's problem into future's hope, that's all, before you recognize other people's problem, you must recognize your love language, if you don't recognize your love language, don't you think that you can master your own strength?, before you master other people's love language, you must master your love language with your own creation / uniqueness, remember; people come to you not because you deserve to get loved, but they indirectly recognize your love language even though you have never met with people whom you don't know yet, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.