5 love languages in relationships

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "5 love languages in relationships", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is willing to know about 5 love languages in relationship, if you ask me why so many people in the world aren't interested to study about 5 love languages because they only think how to please themselves with their own version, in my opinion: person who only thinks how to love himself can't be considered by having a true happiness, do you know why I say such thing? Because human's soul can't be independent by itself if it is forced to work alone, human's soul always needs something which is not coming from it wants, basically human's soul needs new evolution to survive, such as, new knowledge, new experience, new adversity, those are real challenges where it must be fitted with the invidual's enthusiasm, as long as person doesn't want to embrace with the activity which can interest his own enthusiasm, as impact he will lose his sense of love and he will feel difficult to recognize 5 love languages in relationship, remember this note; if people still don't want to invest their time how to recognize 5 love languages, how can they recognize their life partner's love languages, the first love language is the act of service, meaning, we will give our initiative action to help other's need without being asked forcefully, maybe we can give an advice, solve problem verbally or technically, if you meet person who doesn't really need this kind of love language, please don't ever try to offer act of service, if you do that, he / she will hate you.

  The second love language is the word of affirmation, meaning, people will react when we give something which it should be heard by other people who need this kind of love language, e.g. appraisal, flirt, compliment, if people whom you talk don't react when you give this kind of love language, meaning, they don't concern it as important reflection feeling, remember this; people will show their reaction when they have met with something which is needed by their love language, we need a lot of practice and private approach if we want to know their love language, the third love language is a gift, meaning, people only react positively when you have given a gift which is needed by them, e.g. you buy a rose, chocolate, chicken soup, noodles, remember this note: you are allowed to apply this strategy when you know so much about what they are looking for, please don't try to give a gift suddenly without knowing what other people desire, if you keep giving something which is not needed, as impact, you will be judged as a teaser or sly person, the fourth love language is the quality time, meaning, people will give good reaction when you spend your time to accompany people whom you admire and you just need to follow the destination from people whom you admire, if you want to apply this strategy, you only follow where people whom you admire want to go and you accompany them without giving the protest to their decision, here is the fifth love language is the physical touch, meaning, you are allowed to do this strategy if people whom you admire really need it, this strategy can't be recommended to an outsider, a client, or newcomers, please don't apply this strategy to people who don't give their love to you, you must beware about this kind of love language, people who deserve this love language which could be your children, your wife, husband or your family member, the physical touch could be a kiss, a hug, a dance, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.