10 ways to improve self esteem

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "10 ways to improve self-esteem", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people don't know how to optimize their self-esteem, many of them just use their self-esteem to hide their weaknesses and also they use their self-esteem to avoid something which needs to be learnt, based on psychological research; people will show their self-esteem when they meet with something not congruent with their personality or their habit, in order to solve this issue, many people try to take the private class or the online course in order to increase their self-esteem, so they can use their self-esteem to prove what others talk is wrong, at this moment I would like to share some 10 ways to improve self-esteem, here is the first strategy to improve self-esteem; you must give your life with purpose, meaning, you give yourself with a big challenge, if you fuel your life with purpose, so you can focus how to access your natural instinct, if you already find it, you can combine your natural instinct with the problem you want to solve, that's only way how to develop an inborn skill, if you can recognize your inborn skill, as result, the skill is going to give you a privilege to upgrade your self-esteem, here is the second strategy to improve self-esteem; you have to know what's your time worth, meaning, you must try to appreciate your time with the activity you always do, if you can't feel better, maybe there is something wrong with your activity and you still don't know how to measure your time worth, if you want to improve your self-esteem, you must invest your major time with a problem you want to solve, remember this advice; "your time worth will be valued by others when you already finished your accomplishment", please try to focus on it, here is the third strategy to improve self-esteem; don't try to make a promise to others when you feel extreme pleasure, the reason why you aren't allowed to do this because your extreme pleasure lies into unstable mood, if you make a promise to others when you are in unstable mood, you will get a panic attack when you realize that your mental capacity isn't ready to fulfill your promise to others, if you want to make promise to others, you must ensure your mental capacity is in the stable mood, meaning, you are no longer being controlled by your low vibration (extreme pleasure), here is the fourth strategy to improve self-esteem; stop lying just because you want to save your self-esteem, if you want to improve self-esteem, you must know reality and the general truth, if you can't do something, don't say that you can do it later, sometimes later becomes your suffering when you can't do, here is the fifth strategy to improve self-esteem; monitor your social circle, remember; social circle will define your personality, if you want to improve self-esteem, you have to ensure your social circle will not give you a bad influence. 

  Here is the sixth strategy to improve self-esteem; stop comparing between what you can't with what others can, the reason why you aren't allowed to do that because every human is unique, if you compare your skill with other people's skill, you indirectly insult yourself, here is the seventh strategy to improve self-esteem; read the situation when you want to talk with someone, meaning, you aren't allowed to talk to someone just because you want to become a high priority person, before you talk to someone, you must read the situation towards someone whom you talk, as suppose a person whom you talked with has a mistake, if you read the situation, at least you will not scold person's mistake or you look down on someone when there are many people around, here is the eighth strategy to improve self-esteem; you create a progress to monitor your capability, the reason why you need to make a progress because the momentum of the day you make in your progress can become new revolution for your self-esteem, if your skill gradually increased, your self-esteem will be thankful to you, here is the ninth strategy to improve self-esteem; stop pursuing someone who broke your life, the main reason why you aren't allowed to pursue someone like that because you will dig your own grave when you know that person whom insulted you is undeserved person, your future friends will not welcome you if you just look back in the past person who broke your life, you just need to forgive someone who broke your life and leave them behind, here is the tenth strategy to improve self-esteem; forgive your old self and try to welcome your new self, meaning, you must forget your past even though you have tons of mistakes, every mistake you made in the past was stepping stone, if you want to see your new self, you must prepare skill, mental, energy and time to create new productive habit, remember this note; you will see your new self if you break your limitation and stay in uncomfortable zoneI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.